C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.SharedAdapter.RequestMessageBodyWriter

A class is used to construct the body of the request message.
Inheritance: System.ServiceModel.Channels.BodyWriter
Exibir arquivo Open project: OfficeDev/Interop-TestSuites Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddRequest ( string url, SubRequestType subRequests, string requestToken, uint interval, int metaData ) : void

This method is used to add a request to the request collection in the request envelope body.

RequestMessageBodyWriter ( ushort version, ushort minorVersion ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the RequestMessageBodyWriter class with the specified version and minor version type number.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnWriteBodyContents ( XmlDictionaryWriter writer ) : void

Override the method to write the content to the XML dictionary writer.

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateEnvelopeBody ( ushort versionTypeNumber, ushort minorVersionTypeNumber ) : void

This method is used to create request envelope message body, but not include the RequestCollection.

CreateRequestVersion ( ushort versionTypeNumber, ushort minorVersionTypeNumber ) : VersionType

This method is used to create the VersionType instance using the specified version type number and minor version type number

WriteNode ( XmlNode node, XmlDictionaryWriter writer ) : void

This method is used to write a XML node to a XML writer.

Method Details

AddRequest() public method

This method is used to add a request to the request collection in the request envelope body.
public AddRequest ( string url, SubRequestType subRequests, string requestToken, uint interval, int metaData ) : void
url string Specify the URL of the file to edit.
subRequests Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.SubRequestType Specify the sub request array.
requestToken string Specify the token which uniquely identify the request.
interval uint Specify a nonnegative integer in seconds, which the protocol client will repeat this request.
metaData int Specify a 32-bit value that specifies information about the scenario and urgency of the request.
return void

OnWriteBodyContents() protected method

Override the method to write the content to the XML dictionary writer.
protected OnWriteBodyContents ( XmlDictionaryWriter writer ) : void
writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter Specify the output destination of the content.
return void

RequestMessageBodyWriter() public method

Initializes a new instance of the RequestMessageBodyWriter class with the specified version and minor version type number.
public RequestMessageBodyWriter ( ushort version, ushort minorVersion ) : System
version ushort Specify the version type number.
minorVersion ushort Specify the minor version type number.
return System