C# Class Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CodeCopier.CreateMutableType

The best way to dispatch a visit method in code copier is to implement an ICodeVisitor and call the dispatch method of IExpression or IStatement dynamically. This class implements the ICodeVisitor interface for the code copier. After a node is visited, the result is stored in resultExpression or resultStatement.
Inheritance: Microsoft.Cci.BaseCodeVisitor, ICodeVisitor
Exibir arquivo Open project: visualmutator/visualmutator

Public Methods

Method Description
Visit ( IAddition addition ) : void

Visits the specified addition.

Visit ( IAddressDereference addressDereference ) : void

Visits the specified address dereference.

Visit ( IAddressOf addressOf ) : void

Visits the specified address of.

Visit ( IAddressableExpression addressableExpression ) : void

Visits the specified addressable expression.

Visit ( IAnonymousDelegate anonymousMethod ) : void

Visits the specified anonymous method.

Visit ( IArrayIndexer arrayIndexer ) : void

Visits the specified array indexer.

Visit ( IAssertStatement assertStatement ) : void

Visits the specified assert statement.

Visit ( IAssignment assignment ) : void

Visits the specified assignment.

Visit ( IAssumeStatement assumeStatement ) : void

Visits the specified assume statement.

Visit ( IBitwiseAnd bitwiseAnd ) : void

Visits the specified bitwise and.

Visit ( IBitwiseOr bitwiseOr ) : void

Visits the specified bitwise or.

Visit ( IBlockExpression blockExpression ) : void

Visits the specified block expression.

Visit ( IBlockStatement block ) : void

Visits the specified block.

Visit ( IBoundExpression boundExpression ) : void

Visits the specified bound expression.

Visit ( IBreakStatement breakStatement ) : void

Visits the specified break statement.

Visit ( ICastIfPossible castIfPossible ) : void

Visits the specified cast if possible.

Visit ( ICheckIfInstance checkIfInstance ) : void

Visits the specified check if instance.

Visit ( ICompileTimeConstant constant ) : void

Visits the specified constant.

Visit ( IConditional conditional ) : void

Visits the specified conditional.

Visit ( IConditionalStatement conditionalStatement ) : void

Visits the specified conditional statement.

Visit ( IContinueStatement continueStatement ) : void

Visits the specified continue statement.

Visit ( IConversion conversion ) : void

Visits the specified conversion.

Visit ( ICopyMemoryStatement copyMemoryStatement ) : void

Performs some computation with the given copy memory statement.

Visit ( ICreateArray createArray ) : void

Visits the specified create array.

Visit ( ICreateDelegateInstance createDelegateInstance ) : void

Visits the specified create delegate instance.

Visit ( ICreateObjectInstance createObjectInstance ) : void

Visits the specified create object instance.

Visit ( IDebuggerBreakStatement debuggerBreakStatement ) : void

Visits the specified debugger break statement.

Visit ( IDefaultValue defaultValue ) : void

Visits the specified default value.

Visit ( IDivision division ) : void

Visits the specified division.

Visit ( IDoUntilStatement doUntilStatement ) : void

Visits the specified do until statement.

Visit ( IDupValue dupValue ) : void

Performs some computation with the given dup value expression.

Visit ( IEmptyStatement emptyStatement ) : void

Visits the specified empty statement.

Visit ( IEquality equality ) : void

Visits the specified equality.

Visit ( IExclusiveOr exclusiveOr ) : void

Visits the specified exclusive or.

Visit ( IExpression expression ) : void

Visits the specified expression.

Visit ( IExpressionStatement expressionStatement ) : void

Visits the specified expression statement.

Visit ( IFillMemoryStatement fillMemoryStatement ) : void

Performs some computation with the given fill memory block statement.

Visit ( IForEachStatement forEachStatement ) : void

Visits the specified for each statement.

Visit ( IForStatement forStatement ) : void

Visits the specified for statement.

Visit ( IGetTypeOfTypedReference getTypeOfTypedReference ) : void

Visits the specified get type of typed reference.

Visit ( IGetValueOfTypedReference getValueOfTypedReference ) : void

Visits the specified get value of typed reference.

Visit ( IGotoStatement gotoStatement ) : void

Visits the specified goto statement.

Visit ( IGotoSwitchCaseStatement gotoSwitchCaseStatement ) : void

Visits the specified goto switch case statement.

Visit ( IGreaterThan greaterThan ) : void

Visits the specified greater than.

Visit ( IGreaterThanOrEqual greaterThanOrEqual ) : void

Visits the specified greater than or equal.

Visit ( ILabeledStatement labeledStatement ) : void

Visits the specified labeled statement.

Visit ( ILeftShift leftShift ) : void

Visits the specified left shift.

Visit ( ILessThan lessThan ) : void

Visits the specified less than.

Visit ( ILessThanOrEqual lessThanOrEqual ) : void

Visits the specified less than or equal.

Visit ( ILocalDeclarationStatement localDeclarationStatement ) : void

Visits the specified local declaration statement.

Visit ( ILockStatement lockStatement ) : void

Visits the specified lock statement.

Visit ( ILogicalNot logicalNot ) : void

Visits the specified logical not.

Visit ( IMakeTypedReference makeTypedReference ) : void

Visits the specified make typed reference.

Visit ( IMethodCall methodCall ) : void

Visits the specified method call.

Visit ( IModulus modulus ) : void

Visits the specified modulus.

Visit ( IMultiplication multiplication ) : void

Visits the specified multiplication.

Visit ( INamedArgument namedArgument ) : void

Visits the specified named argument.

Visit ( INotEquality notEquality ) : void

Visits the specified not equality.

Visit ( IOldValue oldValue ) : void

Visits the specified old value.

Visit ( IOnesComplement onesComplement ) : void

Visits the specified ones complement.

Visit ( IOutArgument outArgument ) : void

Visits the specified out argument.

Visit ( IPointerCall pointerCall ) : void

Visits the specified pointer call.

Visit ( IPopValue popValue ) : void

Performs some computation with the given pop value expression.

Visit ( IPushStatement pushStatement ) : void

Performs some computation with the given push statement.

Visit ( IRefArgument refArgument ) : void

Visits the specified ref argument.

Visit ( IResourceUseStatement resourceUseStatement ) : void

Visits the specified resource use statement.

Visit ( IRethrowStatement rethrowStatement ) : void

Visits the specified rethrow statement.

Visit ( IReturnStatement returnStatement ) : void

Visits the specified return statement.

Visit ( IReturnValue returnValue ) : void

Visits the specified return value.

Visit ( IRightShift rightShift ) : void

Visits the specified right shift.

Visit ( IRuntimeArgumentHandleExpression runtimeArgumentHandleExpression ) : void

Visits the specified runtime argument handle expression.

Visit ( ISizeOf sizeOf ) : void

Visits the specified size of.

Visit ( IStackArrayCreate stackArrayCreate ) : void

Visits the specified stack array create.

Visit ( ISubtraction subtraction ) : void

Visits the specified subtraction.

Visit ( ISwitchStatement switchStatement ) : void

Visits the specified switch statement.

Visit ( ITargetExpression targetExpression ) : void

Visits the specified target expression.

Visit ( IThisReference thisReference ) : void

Visits the specified this reference.

Visit ( IThrowStatement throwStatement ) : void

Visits the specified throw statement.

Visit ( ITokenOf tokenOf ) : void

Visits the specified token of.

Visit ( ITryCatchFinallyStatement tryCatchFilterFinallyStatement ) : void

Visits the specified try catch filter finally statement.

Visit ( ITypeOf typeOf ) : void

Visits the specified type of.

Visit ( IUnaryNegation unaryNegation ) : void

Visits the specified unary negation.

Visit ( IUnaryPlus unaryPlus ) : void

Visits the specified unary plus.

Visit ( IVectorLength vectorLength ) : void

Visits the specified vector length.

Visit ( IWhileDoStatement whileDoStatement ) : void

Visits the specified while do statement.

Visit ( IYieldBreakStatement yieldBreakStatement ) : void

Visits the specified yield break statement.

Visit ( IYieldReturnStatement yieldReturnStatement ) : void

Visits the specified yield return statement.

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateMutableType ( CodeCopier codeCopier ) : System

The best way to dispatch a visit method in code copier is to implement an ICodeVisitor and call the dispatch method of IExpression or IStatement dynamically. This class implements the ICodeVisitor interface for the code copier. After a node is visited, the result is stored in resultExpression or resultStatement.

Method Details

Visit() public method

Visits the specified addition.
public Visit ( IAddition addition ) : void
addition IAddition The addition.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified address dereference.
public Visit ( IAddressDereference addressDereference ) : void
addressDereference IAddressDereference The address dereference.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified address of.
public Visit ( IAddressOf addressOf ) : void
addressOf IAddressOf The address of.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified addressable expression.
public Visit ( IAddressableExpression addressableExpression ) : void
addressableExpression IAddressableExpression The addressable expression.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified anonymous method.
public Visit ( IAnonymousDelegate anonymousMethod ) : void
anonymousMethod IAnonymousDelegate The anonymous method.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified array indexer.
public Visit ( IArrayIndexer arrayIndexer ) : void
arrayIndexer IArrayIndexer The array indexer.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified assert statement.
public Visit ( IAssertStatement assertStatement ) : void
assertStatement IAssertStatement The assert statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified assignment.
public Visit ( IAssignment assignment ) : void
assignment IAssignment The assignment.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified assume statement.
public Visit ( IAssumeStatement assumeStatement ) : void
assumeStatement IAssumeStatement The assume statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified bitwise and.
public Visit ( IBitwiseAnd bitwiseAnd ) : void
bitwiseAnd IBitwiseAnd The bitwise and.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified bitwise or.
public Visit ( IBitwiseOr bitwiseOr ) : void
bitwiseOr IBitwiseOr The bitwise or.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified block expression.
public Visit ( IBlockExpression blockExpression ) : void
blockExpression IBlockExpression The block expression.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified block.
public Visit ( IBlockStatement block ) : void
block IBlockStatement The block.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified bound expression.
public Visit ( IBoundExpression boundExpression ) : void
boundExpression IBoundExpression The bound expression.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified break statement.
public Visit ( IBreakStatement breakStatement ) : void
breakStatement IBreakStatement The break statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified cast if possible.
public Visit ( ICastIfPossible castIfPossible ) : void
castIfPossible ICastIfPossible The cast if possible.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified check if instance.
public Visit ( ICheckIfInstance checkIfInstance ) : void
checkIfInstance ICheckIfInstance The check if instance.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified constant.
public Visit ( ICompileTimeConstant constant ) : void
constant ICompileTimeConstant The constant.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified conditional.
public Visit ( IConditional conditional ) : void
conditional IConditional The conditional.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified conditional statement.
public Visit ( IConditionalStatement conditionalStatement ) : void
conditionalStatement IConditionalStatement The conditional statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified continue statement.
public Visit ( IContinueStatement continueStatement ) : void
continueStatement IContinueStatement The continue statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified conversion.
public Visit ( IConversion conversion ) : void
conversion IConversion The conversion.
return void

Visit() public method

Performs some computation with the given copy memory statement.
public Visit ( ICopyMemoryStatement copyMemoryStatement ) : void
copyMemoryStatement ICopyMemoryStatement
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified create array.
public Visit ( ICreateArray createArray ) : void
createArray ICreateArray The create array.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified create delegate instance.
public Visit ( ICreateDelegateInstance createDelegateInstance ) : void
createDelegateInstance ICreateDelegateInstance The create delegate instance.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified create object instance.
public Visit ( ICreateObjectInstance createObjectInstance ) : void
createObjectInstance ICreateObjectInstance The create object instance.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified debugger break statement.
public Visit ( IDebuggerBreakStatement debuggerBreakStatement ) : void
debuggerBreakStatement IDebuggerBreakStatement The debugger break statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified default value.
public Visit ( IDefaultValue defaultValue ) : void
defaultValue IDefaultValue The default value.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified division.
public Visit ( IDivision division ) : void
division IDivision The division.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified do until statement.
public Visit ( IDoUntilStatement doUntilStatement ) : void
doUntilStatement IDoUntilStatement The do until statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Performs some computation with the given dup value expression.
public Visit ( IDupValue dupValue ) : void
dupValue IDupValue
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified empty statement.
public Visit ( IEmptyStatement emptyStatement ) : void
emptyStatement IEmptyStatement The empty statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified equality.
public Visit ( IEquality equality ) : void
equality IEquality The equality.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified exclusive or.
public Visit ( IExclusiveOr exclusiveOr ) : void
exclusiveOr IExclusiveOr The exclusive or.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified expression.
public Visit ( IExpression expression ) : void
expression IExpression The expression.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified expression statement.
public Visit ( IExpressionStatement expressionStatement ) : void
expressionStatement IExpressionStatement The expression statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Performs some computation with the given fill memory block statement.
public Visit ( IFillMemoryStatement fillMemoryStatement ) : void
fillMemoryStatement IFillMemoryStatement
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified for each statement.
public Visit ( IForEachStatement forEachStatement ) : void
forEachStatement IForEachStatement For each statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified for statement.
public Visit ( IForStatement forStatement ) : void
forStatement IForStatement For statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified get type of typed reference.
public Visit ( IGetTypeOfTypedReference getTypeOfTypedReference ) : void
getTypeOfTypedReference IGetTypeOfTypedReference The get type of typed reference.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified get value of typed reference.
public Visit ( IGetValueOfTypedReference getValueOfTypedReference ) : void
getValueOfTypedReference IGetValueOfTypedReference The get value of typed reference.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified goto statement.
public Visit ( IGotoStatement gotoStatement ) : void
gotoStatement IGotoStatement The goto statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified goto switch case statement.
public Visit ( IGotoSwitchCaseStatement gotoSwitchCaseStatement ) : void
gotoSwitchCaseStatement IGotoSwitchCaseStatement The goto switch case statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified greater than.
public Visit ( IGreaterThan greaterThan ) : void
greaterThan IGreaterThan The greater than.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified greater than or equal.
public Visit ( IGreaterThanOrEqual greaterThanOrEqual ) : void
greaterThanOrEqual IGreaterThanOrEqual The greater than or equal.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified labeled statement.
public Visit ( ILabeledStatement labeledStatement ) : void
labeledStatement ILabeledStatement The labeled statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified left shift.
public Visit ( ILeftShift leftShift ) : void
leftShift ILeftShift The left shift.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified less than.
public Visit ( ILessThan lessThan ) : void
lessThan ILessThan The less than.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified less than or equal.
public Visit ( ILessThanOrEqual lessThanOrEqual ) : void
lessThanOrEqual ILessThanOrEqual The less than or equal.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified local declaration statement.
public Visit ( ILocalDeclarationStatement localDeclarationStatement ) : void
localDeclarationStatement ILocalDeclarationStatement The local declaration statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified lock statement.
public Visit ( ILockStatement lockStatement ) : void
lockStatement ILockStatement The lock statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified logical not.
public Visit ( ILogicalNot logicalNot ) : void
logicalNot ILogicalNot The logical not.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified make typed reference.
public Visit ( IMakeTypedReference makeTypedReference ) : void
makeTypedReference IMakeTypedReference The make typed reference.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified method call.
public Visit ( IMethodCall methodCall ) : void
methodCall IMethodCall The method call.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified modulus.
public Visit ( IModulus modulus ) : void
modulus IModulus The modulus.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified multiplication.
public Visit ( IMultiplication multiplication ) : void
multiplication IMultiplication The multiplication.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified named argument.
public Visit ( INamedArgument namedArgument ) : void
namedArgument INamedArgument The named argument.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified not equality.
public Visit ( INotEquality notEquality ) : void
notEquality INotEquality The not equality.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified old value.
public Visit ( IOldValue oldValue ) : void
oldValue IOldValue The old value.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified ones complement.
public Visit ( IOnesComplement onesComplement ) : void
onesComplement IOnesComplement The ones complement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified out argument.
public Visit ( IOutArgument outArgument ) : void
outArgument IOutArgument The out argument.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified pointer call.
public Visit ( IPointerCall pointerCall ) : void
pointerCall IPointerCall The pointer call.
return void

Visit() public method

Performs some computation with the given pop value expression.
public Visit ( IPopValue popValue ) : void
popValue IPopValue
return void

Visit() public method

Performs some computation with the given push statement.
public Visit ( IPushStatement pushStatement ) : void
pushStatement IPushStatement
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified ref argument.
public Visit ( IRefArgument refArgument ) : void
refArgument IRefArgument The ref argument.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified resource use statement.
public Visit ( IResourceUseStatement resourceUseStatement ) : void
resourceUseStatement IResourceUseStatement The resource use statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified rethrow statement.
public Visit ( IRethrowStatement rethrowStatement ) : void
rethrowStatement IRethrowStatement The rethrow statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified return statement.
public Visit ( IReturnStatement returnStatement ) : void
returnStatement IReturnStatement The return statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified return value.
public Visit ( IReturnValue returnValue ) : void
returnValue IReturnValue The return value.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified right shift.
public Visit ( IRightShift rightShift ) : void
rightShift IRightShift The right shift.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified runtime argument handle expression.
public Visit ( IRuntimeArgumentHandleExpression runtimeArgumentHandleExpression ) : void
runtimeArgumentHandleExpression IRuntimeArgumentHandleExpression The runtime argument handle expression.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified size of.
public Visit ( ISizeOf sizeOf ) : void
sizeOf ISizeOf The size of.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified stack array create.
public Visit ( IStackArrayCreate stackArrayCreate ) : void
stackArrayCreate IStackArrayCreate The stack array create.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified subtraction.
public Visit ( ISubtraction subtraction ) : void
subtraction ISubtraction The subtraction.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified switch statement.
public Visit ( ISwitchStatement switchStatement ) : void
switchStatement ISwitchStatement The switch statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified target expression.
public Visit ( ITargetExpression targetExpression ) : void
targetExpression ITargetExpression The target expression.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified this reference.
public Visit ( IThisReference thisReference ) : void
thisReference IThisReference The this reference.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified throw statement.
public Visit ( IThrowStatement throwStatement ) : void
throwStatement IThrowStatement The throw statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified token of.
public Visit ( ITokenOf tokenOf ) : void
tokenOf ITokenOf The token of.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified try catch filter finally statement.
public Visit ( ITryCatchFinallyStatement tryCatchFilterFinallyStatement ) : void
tryCatchFilterFinallyStatement ITryCatchFinallyStatement The try catch filter finally statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified type of.
public Visit ( ITypeOf typeOf ) : void
typeOf ITypeOf The type of.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified unary negation.
public Visit ( IUnaryNegation unaryNegation ) : void
unaryNegation IUnaryNegation The unary negation.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified unary plus.
public Visit ( IUnaryPlus unaryPlus ) : void
unaryPlus IUnaryPlus The unary plus.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified vector length.
public Visit ( IVectorLength vectorLength ) : void
vectorLength IVectorLength Length of the vector.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified while do statement.
public Visit ( IWhileDoStatement whileDoStatement ) : void
whileDoStatement IWhileDoStatement The while do statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified yield break statement.
public Visit ( IYieldBreakStatement yieldBreakStatement ) : void
yieldBreakStatement IYieldBreakStatement The yield break statement.
return void

Visit() public method

Visits the specified yield return statement.
public Visit ( IYieldReturnStatement yieldReturnStatement ) : void
yieldReturnStatement IYieldReturnStatement The yield return statement.
return void