C# Class ManagedCuda.CudaDNN.cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgoPerf

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
algo cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo
memory ManagedCuda.BasicTypes.SizeT
status cudnnStatus
time float

Property Details

algo public_oe property

The algorithm run to obtain the associated performance metrics.
public cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo algo
return cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo

memory public_oe property

The workspace size (in bytes).
public SizeT,ManagedCuda.BasicTypes memory
return ManagedCuda.BasicTypes.SizeT

status public_oe property

If any error occurs during the workspace allocation or timing of cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter_v3(), this status will represent that error. Otherwise, this status will be the return status of cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter_v3(). - CUDNN_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED if any error occured during workspace allocation or deallocation. - CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED if any error occured during timing calculations. - Otherwise, this will be the return status of cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter_v3().
public cudnnStatus status
return cudnnStatus

time public_oe property

The execution time of cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter_v3() (in milliseconds).
public float time
return float