C# Class Lucene.Net.Index.BaseDocValuesFormatTestCase

Abstract class to do basic tests for a docvalues format. NOTE: this test focuses on the docvalues impl, nothing else. The [stretch] goal is for this test to be so thorough in testing a new DocValuesFormat that if this test passes, then all Lucene/Solr tests should also pass. Ie, if there is some bug in a given DocValuesFormat that this test fails to catch then this test needs to be improved!
Exibir arquivo Open project: apache/lucenenet Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
TestBigNumericRange ( ) : void
TestBigNumericRange2 ( ) : void
TestBinaryFixedLengthVsStoredFields ( ) : void
TestBinaryVariableLengthVsStoredFields ( ) : void
TestBooleanNumericsVsStoredFields ( ) : void
TestByteMissingVsFieldCache ( ) : void
TestByteNumericsVsStoredFields ( ) : void
TestBytes ( ) : void
TestBytesTwoDocumentsMerged ( ) : void
TestBytesWithNewline ( ) : void
TestCodecUsesOwnBytes ( ) : void
TestCodecUsesOwnBytesEachTime ( ) : void
TestCodecUsesOwnSortedBytes ( ) : void
TestCodecUsesOwnSortedBytesEachTime ( ) : void
TestDocValuesSimple ( ) : void
TestEmptyBinaryValueOnPageSizes ( ) : void
TestEmptyBytes ( ) : void
TestEmptySortedBytes ( ) : void
TestGCDCompression ( ) : void
TestHugeBinaryValueLimit ( ) : void
TestHugeBinaryValues ( ) : void
TestIntMissingVsFieldCache ( ) : void
TestIntNumericsVsStoredFields ( ) : void
TestLongMissingVsFieldCache ( ) : void
TestLongNumericsVsStoredFields ( ) : void
TestMissingSortedBytes ( ) : void
TestOneFloat ( ) : void
TestOneNumber ( ) : void
TestRandomSortedBytes ( ) : void
TestShortMissingVsFieldCache ( ) : void
TestShortNumericsVsStoredFields ( ) : void
TestSortedBytes ( ) : void
TestSortedBytesThreeDocuments ( ) : void
TestSortedBytesTwoDocuments ( ) : void
TestSortedBytesTwoDocumentsMerged ( ) : void
TestSortedFixedLengthVsFieldCache ( ) : void
TestSortedFixedLengthVsStoredFields ( ) : void
TestSortedMergeAwayAllValues ( ) : void
TestSortedSetFixedLengthSingleValuedVsStoredFields ( ) : void
TestSortedSetFixedLengthVsStoredFields ( ) : void
TestSortedSetFixedLengthVsUninvertedField ( ) : void
TestSortedSetMergeAwayAllValues ( ) : void
TestSortedSetOneValue ( ) : void
TestSortedSetTermsEnum ( ) : void
TestSortedSetThreeValuesTwoDocs ( ) : void
TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsFirstMissing ( ) : void
TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsFirstMissingMerge ( ) : void
TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsLastMissing ( ) : void
TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsLastMissingMerge ( ) : void
TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsMerged ( ) : void
TestSortedSetTwoFields ( ) : void
TestSortedSetTwoValues ( ) : void
TestSortedSetTwoValuesUnordered ( ) : void
TestSortedSetVariableLengthSingleValuedVsStoredFields ( ) : void
TestSortedSetVariableLengthVsStoredFields ( ) : void
TestSortedSetVariableLengthVsUninvertedField ( ) : void
TestSortedTermsEnum ( ) : void
TestSortedVariableLengthVsFieldCache ( ) : void
TestSortedVariableLengthVsStoredFields ( ) : void
TestThreads ( ) : void

Tests dv against stored fields with threads (binary/numeric/sorted, no missing)

TestThreads2 ( ) : void

Tests dv against stored fields with threads (all types + missing)

TestThreeBytesOneMissingWithMerging ( ) : void
TestThreeFieldsMixed ( ) : void
TestThreeFieldsMixed2 ( ) : void
TestThreeNumbersOneMissingWithMerging ( ) : void
TestTwoBinaryValues ( ) : void
TestTwoBytesOneMissing ( ) : void
TestTwoBytesOneMissingWithMerging ( ) : void
TestTwoDocumentsMerged ( ) : void
TestTwoDocumentsNumeric ( ) : void
TestTwoFieldsMixed ( ) : void
TestTwoNumbers ( ) : void
TestTwoNumbersOneMissing ( ) : void
TestTwoNumbersOneMissingWithMerging ( ) : void
TestVeryLargeButLegalBytes ( ) : void
TestVeryLargeButLegalSortedBytes ( ) : void
TestZeroOrMin ( ) : void
TestZeros ( ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
AddRandomFields ( Lucene.Net.Documents.Document doc ) : void
CodecAcceptsHugeBinaryValues ( string field ) : bool

Private Methods

Method Description
AssertEquals ( Bits expected, Bits actual ) : void
AssertEquals ( int maxDoc, Lucene.Net.Index.SortedDocValues expected, Lucene.Net.Index.SortedDocValues actual ) : void
AssertEquals ( int maxDoc, Lucene.Net.Index.SortedSetDocValues expected, Lucene.Net.Index.SortedSetDocValues actual ) : void
AssertEquals ( long numOrds, Lucene.Net.Index.TermsEnum expected, Lucene.Net.Index.TermsEnum actual ) : void
DoTestBinaryVsStoredFields ( int minLength, int maxLength ) : void
DoTestMissingVsFieldCache ( LongProducer longs ) : void
DoTestMissingVsFieldCache ( long minValue, long maxValue ) : void
DoTestNumericsVsStoredFields ( LongProducer longs ) : void
DoTestNumericsVsStoredFields ( long minValue, long maxValue ) : void
DoTestSortedSetVsStoredFields ( int minLength, int maxLength, int maxValuesPerDoc ) : void
DoTestSortedSetVsUninvertedField ( int minLength, int maxLength ) : void
DoTestSortedVsFieldCache ( int minLength, int maxLength ) : void
DoTestSortedVsStoredFields ( int minLength, int maxLength ) : void

Method Details

AddRandomFields() protected method

protected AddRandomFields ( Lucene.Net.Documents.Document doc ) : void
doc Lucene.Net.Documents.Document
return void

CodecAcceptsHugeBinaryValues() protected method

protected CodecAcceptsHugeBinaryValues ( string field ) : bool
field string
return bool

TestBigNumericRange() public method

public TestBigNumericRange ( ) : void
return void

TestBigNumericRange2() public method

public TestBigNumericRange2 ( ) : void
return void

TestBinaryFixedLengthVsStoredFields() public method

public TestBinaryFixedLengthVsStoredFields ( ) : void
return void

TestBinaryVariableLengthVsStoredFields() public method

public TestBinaryVariableLengthVsStoredFields ( ) : void
return void

TestBooleanNumericsVsStoredFields() public method

public TestBooleanNumericsVsStoredFields ( ) : void
return void

TestByteMissingVsFieldCache() public method

public TestByteMissingVsFieldCache ( ) : void
return void

TestByteNumericsVsStoredFields() public method

public TestByteNumericsVsStoredFields ( ) : void
return void

TestBytes() public method

public TestBytes ( ) : void
return void

TestBytesTwoDocumentsMerged() public method

public TestBytesTwoDocumentsMerged ( ) : void
return void

TestBytesWithNewline() public method

public TestBytesWithNewline ( ) : void
return void

TestCodecUsesOwnBytes() public method

public TestCodecUsesOwnBytes ( ) : void
return void

TestCodecUsesOwnBytesEachTime() public method

public TestCodecUsesOwnBytesEachTime ( ) : void
return void

TestCodecUsesOwnSortedBytes() public method

public TestCodecUsesOwnSortedBytes ( ) : void
return void

TestCodecUsesOwnSortedBytesEachTime() public method

public TestCodecUsesOwnSortedBytesEachTime ( ) : void
return void

TestDocValuesSimple() public method

public TestDocValuesSimple ( ) : void
return void

TestEmptyBinaryValueOnPageSizes() public method

public TestEmptyBinaryValueOnPageSizes ( ) : void
return void

TestEmptyBytes() public method

public TestEmptyBytes ( ) : void
return void

TestEmptySortedBytes() public method

public TestEmptySortedBytes ( ) : void
return void

TestGCDCompression() public method

public TestGCDCompression ( ) : void
return void

TestHugeBinaryValueLimit() public method

public TestHugeBinaryValueLimit ( ) : void
return void

TestHugeBinaryValues() public method

public TestHugeBinaryValues ( ) : void
return void

TestIntMissingVsFieldCache() public method

public TestIntMissingVsFieldCache ( ) : void
return void

TestIntNumericsVsStoredFields() public method

public TestIntNumericsVsStoredFields ( ) : void
return void

TestLongMissingVsFieldCache() public method

public TestLongMissingVsFieldCache ( ) : void
return void

TestLongNumericsVsStoredFields() public method

public TestLongNumericsVsStoredFields ( ) : void
return void

TestMissingSortedBytes() public method

public TestMissingSortedBytes ( ) : void
return void

TestOneFloat() public method

public TestOneFloat ( ) : void
return void

TestOneNumber() public method

public TestOneNumber ( ) : void
return void

TestRandomSortedBytes() public method

public TestRandomSortedBytes ( ) : void
return void

TestShortMissingVsFieldCache() public method

public TestShortMissingVsFieldCache ( ) : void
return void

TestShortNumericsVsStoredFields() public method

public TestShortNumericsVsStoredFields ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedBytes() public method

public TestSortedBytes ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedBytesThreeDocuments() public method

public TestSortedBytesThreeDocuments ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedBytesTwoDocuments() public method

public TestSortedBytesTwoDocuments ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedBytesTwoDocumentsMerged() public method

public TestSortedBytesTwoDocumentsMerged ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedFixedLengthVsFieldCache() public method

public TestSortedFixedLengthVsFieldCache ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedFixedLengthVsStoredFields() public method

public TestSortedFixedLengthVsStoredFields ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedMergeAwayAllValues() public method

public TestSortedMergeAwayAllValues ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetFixedLengthSingleValuedVsStoredFields() public method

TestSortedSetFixedLengthVsStoredFields() public method

public TestSortedSetFixedLengthVsStoredFields ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetFixedLengthVsUninvertedField() public method

public TestSortedSetFixedLengthVsUninvertedField ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetMergeAwayAllValues() public method

public TestSortedSetMergeAwayAllValues ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetOneValue() public method

public TestSortedSetOneValue ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetTermsEnum() public method

public TestSortedSetTermsEnum ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetThreeValuesTwoDocs() public method

public TestSortedSetThreeValuesTwoDocs ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsFirstMissing() public method

public TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsFirstMissing ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsFirstMissingMerge() public method

public TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsFirstMissingMerge ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsLastMissing() public method

public TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsLastMissing ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsLastMissingMerge() public method

public TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsLastMissingMerge ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsMerged() public method

public TestSortedSetTwoDocumentsMerged ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetTwoFields() public method

public TestSortedSetTwoFields ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetTwoValues() public method

public TestSortedSetTwoValues ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetTwoValuesUnordered() public method

public TestSortedSetTwoValuesUnordered ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetVariableLengthSingleValuedVsStoredFields() public method

TestSortedSetVariableLengthVsStoredFields() public method

public TestSortedSetVariableLengthVsStoredFields ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedSetVariableLengthVsUninvertedField() public method

public TestSortedSetVariableLengthVsUninvertedField ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedTermsEnum() public method

public TestSortedTermsEnum ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedVariableLengthVsFieldCache() public method

public TestSortedVariableLengthVsFieldCache ( ) : void
return void

TestSortedVariableLengthVsStoredFields() public method

public TestSortedVariableLengthVsStoredFields ( ) : void
return void

TestThreads() public method

Tests dv against stored fields with threads (binary/numeric/sorted, no missing)
public TestThreads ( ) : void
return void

TestThreads2() public method

Tests dv against stored fields with threads (all types + missing)
public TestThreads2 ( ) : void
return void

TestThreeBytesOneMissingWithMerging() public method

public TestThreeBytesOneMissingWithMerging ( ) : void
return void

TestThreeFieldsMixed() public method

public TestThreeFieldsMixed ( ) : void
return void

TestThreeFieldsMixed2() public method

public TestThreeFieldsMixed2 ( ) : void
return void

TestThreeNumbersOneMissingWithMerging() public method

public TestThreeNumbersOneMissingWithMerging ( ) : void
return void

TestTwoBinaryValues() public method

public TestTwoBinaryValues ( ) : void
return void

TestTwoBytesOneMissing() public method

public TestTwoBytesOneMissing ( ) : void
return void

TestTwoBytesOneMissingWithMerging() public method

public TestTwoBytesOneMissingWithMerging ( ) : void
return void

TestTwoDocumentsMerged() public method

public TestTwoDocumentsMerged ( ) : void
return void

TestTwoDocumentsNumeric() public method

public TestTwoDocumentsNumeric ( ) : void
return void

TestTwoFieldsMixed() public method

public TestTwoFieldsMixed ( ) : void
return void

TestTwoNumbers() public method

public TestTwoNumbers ( ) : void
return void

TestTwoNumbersOneMissing() public method

public TestTwoNumbersOneMissing ( ) : void
return void

TestTwoNumbersOneMissingWithMerging() public method

public TestTwoNumbersOneMissingWithMerging ( ) : void
return void

TestVeryLargeButLegalBytes() public method

public TestVeryLargeButLegalBytes ( ) : void
return void

TestVeryLargeButLegalSortedBytes() public method

public TestVeryLargeButLegalSortedBytes ( ) : void
return void

TestZeroOrMin() public method

public TestZeroOrMin ( ) : void
return void

TestZeros() public method

public TestZeros ( ) : void
return void