C# Class IfcDoc.Format.SML.FormatSML

Formatter for ISO 10303-28 (STEP-XML), supporting IFC-XML. Observes CNF file settings for output.
Inheritance: IfcDoc.Format.SMF.FormatSMF, IFormatData
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Public Methods

Method Description
FormatData ( DocProject docProject, DocPublication docPublication, DocExchangeDefinition docExchange, DocObject>.Dictionary map, SEntity>.Dictionary instances, SEntity root, bool markup ) : string
FormatSML ( Stream stream, List formats, string xsdURI, string xsdCode ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
WriteCloseElementAttribute ( ) : void
WriteCloseElementEntity ( ) : void

Terminates the opening tag, with no subelements

WriteEndAttribute ( ) : void
WriteEndElementAttribute ( string name ) : void
WriteEndElementEntity ( string name ) : void
WriteFooter ( ) : void
WriteHeader ( ) : void
WriteIdentifier ( long oid ) : void
WriteOpenElement ( ) : void

Terminates the opening tag, to allow for sub-elements to be written

WriteReference ( long oid ) : void
WriteStartAttribute ( string name ) : void
WriteStartElementAttribute ( string name, string hyperlink ) : void
WriteStartElementEntity ( string name, string hyperlink ) : void
WriteType ( string type, string hyperlink ) : void
WriteTypedValue ( string type, string hyperlink, string encodedvalue ) : void

Method Details

FormatData() public method

public FormatData ( DocProject docProject, DocPublication docPublication, DocExchangeDefinition docExchange, DocObject>.Dictionary map, SEntity>.Dictionary instances, SEntity root, bool markup ) : string
docProject DocProject
docPublication DocPublication
docExchange DocExchangeDefinition
map DocObject>.Dictionary
instances SEntity>.Dictionary
root IfcDoc.Schema.SEntity
markup bool
return string

FormatSML() public method

public FormatSML ( Stream stream, List formats, string xsdURI, string xsdCode ) : System
stream Stream
formats List
xsdURI string
xsdCode string
return System

WriteCloseElementAttribute() protected method

protected WriteCloseElementAttribute ( ) : void
return void

WriteCloseElementEntity() protected method

Terminates the opening tag, with no subelements
protected WriteCloseElementEntity ( ) : void
return void

WriteEndAttribute() protected method

protected WriteEndAttribute ( ) : void
return void

WriteEndElementAttribute() protected method

protected WriteEndElementAttribute ( string name ) : void
name string
return void

WriteEndElementEntity() protected method

protected WriteEndElementEntity ( string name ) : void
name string
return void

WriteFooter() protected method

protected WriteFooter ( ) : void
return void

WriteHeader() protected method

protected WriteHeader ( ) : void
return void

WriteIdentifier() protected method

protected WriteIdentifier ( long oid ) : void
oid long
return void

WriteOpenElement() protected method

Terminates the opening tag, to allow for sub-elements to be written
protected WriteOpenElement ( ) : void
return void

WriteReference() protected method

protected WriteReference ( long oid ) : void
oid long
return void

WriteStartAttribute() protected method

protected WriteStartAttribute ( string name ) : void
name string
return void

WriteStartElementAttribute() protected method

protected WriteStartElementAttribute ( string name, string hyperlink ) : void
name string
hyperlink string
return void

WriteStartElementEntity() protected method

protected WriteStartElementEntity ( string name, string hyperlink ) : void
name string
hyperlink string
return void

WriteType() protected method

protected WriteType ( string type, string hyperlink ) : void
type string
hyperlink string
return void

WriteTypedValue() protected method

protected WriteTypedValue ( string type, string hyperlink, string encodedvalue ) : void
type string
hyperlink string
encodedvalue string
return void