C# Class ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Editing.DottedLineMargin

Margin for use with the text area. A vertical dotted line to separate the line numbers from the text view.
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Public Methods

Method Description
Create ( ) : UIElement

Creates a vertical dotted line to separate the line numbers from the text view.

IsDottedLineMargin ( UIElement element ) : bool

Gets whether the specified UIElement is the result of a DottedLineMargin.Create call.

Method Details

Create() public static method

Creates a vertical dotted line to separate the line numbers from the text view.
public static Create ( ) : UIElement
return System.Windows.UIElement

IsDottedLineMargin() public static method

Gets whether the specified UIElement is the result of a DottedLineMargin.Create call.
public static IsDottedLineMargin ( UIElement element ) : bool
element System.Windows.UIElement
return bool