C# Class IBE.MTCommandersLog.CommandersLog

Exibir arquivo Open project: Duke-Jones/ED-IBE Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
m_GUI tabCommandersLog

Public Methods

Method Description
CommandersLog ( ) : System


JournalEventRecieved ( object sender, FileScanner e ) : void

event-worker for JournalEventRecieved-event

LoadSystemComboBoxData ( string systemString, ComboBox cBox ) : void

loads only the systems matching the current input

SaveEvent ( CommandersLogEvent Event ) : void

saving the data of the datarow, saves new entrys if the timestamp is not existingClassification, otherwise existingClassification data will be changed

SaveEvent ( System.DateTime EventDate, String System, String Station, String Cargo, String CargoAction, int CargoVolume, Int32 CreditsTransAction, Int32 Credits_Total, String EventType, String Notes, double Distance = null ) : void

saving the data of the datarow, saves new entrys if the timestamp is not existingClassification, otherwise existingClassification data will be changed

UnregisterJournalScanner ( ) : void

unregister the LogfileScanner

createMarketdataCollectedEvent ( ) : void

creates a MarketDataCollected-event for the current station

m_ExternalDataInterface_ExternalDataEvent ( object sender, IBE e ) : void
registerExternalTool ( IBE ExternalDataInterface ) : void

register the external tool in the CommandersLog for the DataEvent

registerJournalScanner ( FileScanner journalScanner ) : void

register the LogfileScanner in the CommandersLog for the DataEvent

unregisterExternalTool ( ) : void

unregister the LogfileScanner

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnDataChanged ( DataChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
DeleteRows ( System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection markedRows ) : void

deletes the rows in the database

InitRetriever ( ) : int

initialization of the dataretriever object (for DGV virtual mode)

SaveEvent ( dsEliteDB ChangedData ) : void

saving the data of the datarow, saves new entrys if the timestamp is not existingClassification, otherwise existingClassification data will be changed

prepareCmb_EventTypes ( ComboBox_ro &theCombobox, ComboBox_ro theReferenceCombobox = null ) : void

prepares the values of the comoboboxes

Method Details

CommandersLog() public method

public CommandersLog ( ) : System
return System

JournalEventRecieved() public method

event-worker for JournalEventRecieved-event
public JournalEventRecieved ( object sender, FileScanner e ) : void
sender object
e FileScanner
return void

LoadSystemComboBoxData() public method

loads only the systems matching the current input
public LoadSystemComboBoxData ( string systemString, ComboBox cBox ) : void
systemString string
cBox System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
return void

OnDataChanged() protected method

protected OnDataChanged ( DataChangedEventArgs e ) : void
e DataChangedEventArgs
return void

SaveEvent() public method

saving the data of the datarow, saves new entrys if the timestamp is not existingClassification, otherwise existingClassification data will be changed
public SaveEvent ( CommandersLogEvent Event ) : void
Event CommandersLogEvent
return void

SaveEvent() public method

saving the data of the datarow, saves new entrys if the timestamp is not existingClassification, otherwise existingClassification data will be changed
public SaveEvent ( System.DateTime EventDate, String System, String Station, String Cargo, String CargoAction, int CargoVolume, Int32 CreditsTransAction, Int32 Credits_Total, String EventType, String Notes, double Distance = null ) : void
EventDate System.DateTime
System String
Station String
Cargo String
CargoAction String
CargoVolume int
CreditsTransAction System.Int32
Credits_Total System.Int32
EventType String
Notes String
Distance double
return void

UnregisterJournalScanner() public method

unregister the LogfileScanner
public UnregisterJournalScanner ( ) : void
return void

createMarketdataCollectedEvent() public method

creates a MarketDataCollected-event for the current station
public createMarketdataCollectedEvent ( ) : void
return void

m_ExternalDataInterface_ExternalDataEvent() public method

public m_ExternalDataInterface_ExternalDataEvent ( object sender, IBE e ) : void
sender object
return void

registerExternalTool() public method

register the external tool in the CommandersLog for the DataEvent
public registerExternalTool ( IBE ExternalDataInterface ) : void
ExternalDataInterface IBE
return void

registerJournalScanner() public method

register the LogfileScanner in the CommandersLog for the DataEvent
public registerJournalScanner ( FileScanner journalScanner ) : void
journalScanner FileScanner
return void

unregisterExternalTool() public method

unregister the LogfileScanner
public unregisterExternalTool ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

m_GUI public_oe property

public tabCommandersLog,IBE.MTCommandersLog m_GUI
return tabCommandersLog