C# Class Hiro.Implementations.NextContainerCall

Represents an implementation that will use the next container in the IMicroContainer chain to instantiate a particular service name and service type.
Inheritance: BaseContainerCall
Exibir arquivo Open project: philiplaureano/Hiro

Public Methods

Method Description
NextContainerCall ( System serviceType, string serviceName ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the NextContainerCall class.

Protected Methods

Method Description
EmitGetContainerInstance ( Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition module, TypeReference microContainerType, Mono.Cecil.Cil.ILProcessor il, Instruction skipCreate ) : void

Emits the instructions that will obtain the IMicroContainer instance.

Private Methods

Method Description
EmitGetNextContainerCall ( Mono.Cecil.Cil.ILProcessor il, TypeReference microContainerType, MethodReference getNextContainer ) : void

Method Details

EmitGetContainerInstance() protected method

Emits the instructions that will obtain the IMicroContainer instance.
protected EmitGetContainerInstance ( Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition module, TypeReference microContainerType, Mono.Cecil.Cil.ILProcessor il, Instruction skipCreate ) : void
module Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition The target module.
microContainerType Mono.Cecil.TypeReference The type reference that points to the type.
il Mono.Cecil.Cil.ILProcessor
skipCreate Mono.Cecil.Cil.Instruction The skip label that will be used if the service cannot be instantiated.
return void

NextContainerCall() public method

Initializes a new instance of the NextContainerCall class.
public NextContainerCall ( System serviceType, string serviceName ) : System
serviceType System The service type.
serviceName string The service name.
return System