C# Class HaloMap.Render.Renderer

The renderer.
Inheritance: IDisposable
Exibir arquivo Open project: troymac1ure/Entity Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
device Device
lighting bool
pause bool

Public Methods

Method Description
BeginScene ( Color backgroundcolor ) : void

The begin scene.

CreateDevice ( Control renderpanel ) : void

The create device.

DecompressIndices ( short indices, int start, int count ) : short[]

The decompress indices.

DegreeToRadian ( float degree ) : float

The degree to radian.

Dispose ( ) : void

The dispose.

EndScene ( ) : void

The end scene.

MakeMesh ( List vertices, List Indices, List uvs ) : Mesh

The make mesh.

MakeMesh ( ParsedModel &pm, int chunknumber, Device &device ) : Mesh

The make mesh.

Mark3DCursorPosition ( float x, float y, System.Matrix m ) : System.Vector3

The mark 3 d cursor position.

MeshPick ( float x, float y, Mesh mesh, System.Matrix mat ) : bool

The mesh pick.

OnResetDevice ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

The on reset device.

RadianToDegree ( float radian ) : float

The radian to degree.

SetAlphaBlending ( ShaderInfo alphatype, Device &device ) : void

The set alpha blending.

VectorToRgba ( System.Vector3 v, float height ) : int

The vector to rgba.

Method Details

BeginScene() public method

The begin scene.
public BeginScene ( Color backgroundcolor ) : void
backgroundcolor Color The backgroundcolor.
return void

CreateDevice() public method

The create device.
public CreateDevice ( Control renderpanel ) : void
renderpanel System.Windows.Forms.Control The renderpanel.
return void

DecompressIndices() public static method

The decompress indices.
public static DecompressIndices ( short indices, int start, int count ) : short[]
indices short The indices.
start int The start.
count int The count.
return short[]

DegreeToRadian() public static method

The degree to radian.
public static DegreeToRadian ( float degree ) : float
degree float The degree.
return float

Dispose() public method

The dispose.
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

EndScene() public method

The end scene.
public EndScene ( ) : void
return void

MakeMesh() public method

The make mesh.
public MakeMesh ( List vertices, List Indices, List uvs ) : Mesh
vertices List The vertices.
Indices List The indices.
uvs List The uvs.
return Mesh

MakeMesh() public static method

The make mesh.
public static MakeMesh ( ParsedModel &pm, int chunknumber, Device &device ) : Mesh
pm HaloMap.RawData.ParsedModel The pm.
chunknumber int The chunknumber.
device Device The device.
return Mesh

Mark3DCursorPosition() public method

The mark 3 d cursor position.
public Mark3DCursorPosition ( float x, float y, System.Matrix m ) : System.Vector3
x float The x.
y float The y.
m System.Matrix The m.
return System.Vector3

MeshPick() public method

The mesh pick.
public MeshPick ( float x, float y, Mesh mesh, System.Matrix mat ) : bool
x float The x.
y float The y.
mesh Mesh The mesh.
mat System.Matrix The mat.
return bool

OnResetDevice() public method

The on reset device.
public OnResetDevice ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The sender.
e System.EventArgs The e.
return void

RadianToDegree() public static method

The radian to degree.
public static RadianToDegree ( float radian ) : float
radian float The radian.
return float

SetAlphaBlending() public static method

The set alpha blending.
public static SetAlphaBlending ( ShaderInfo alphatype, Device &device ) : void
alphatype HaloMap.H2MetaContainers.ShaderInfo The alphatype.
device Device The device.
return void

VectorToRgba() public static method

The vector to rgba.
public static VectorToRgba ( System.Vector3 v, float height ) : int
v System.Vector3 The v.
height float The height.
return int

Property Details

device public_oe property

The device.
public Device device
return Device

lighting public_oe property

The lighting.
public bool lighting
return bool

pause public_oe property

The pause.
public bool pause
return bool