C# Class Gnip.Client.Resource.Filter

Inheritance: IResource, IDeepCompare
Exibir arquivo Open project: electromute/gnip-dotnet Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
DeepEquals ( Filter that ) : bool

Determins if this equals that by performing a deep equals looking at all elements of all member listsand objects.

DeepEquals ( object o ) : bool

Determins if this equals that by performing a deep equals looking at all elements of all member lists and objects.

Equals ( object o ) : bool

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. Ths performs a shallow equals where any reference types are compared by reference.

Filter ( ) : System

Create a Filter.

Filter ( string name ) : System

Create a Filter with the given name.

Filter ( string name, string postUrl ) : System

Create a Filter with the given name and post URL.

Filter ( string name, string postUrl, bool isFullData ) : System

Create a Filter with the given name, post url, and full data flag. If the Filter supports full-data activities, the {@link #fullData} should be set to true. If set to false, the Filter will just support notifications.

Filter ( string name, string postUrl, bool isFullData, IEnumerable rules ) : System

Create a Filter with the given name, post url, and full data flag. If the Filter supports full-data activities, the {@link #fullData} should be set to true. If set to false, the Filter will just support notifications.

GetHashCode ( ) : int

The GetHashCode method is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures such as a hash table.

Method Details

DeepEquals() public method

Determins if this equals that by performing a deep equals looking at all elements of all member listsand objects.
public DeepEquals ( Filter that ) : bool
that Filter The object to compare for equality.
return bool

DeepEquals() public method

Determins if this equals that by performing a deep equals looking at all elements of all member lists and objects.
public DeepEquals ( object o ) : bool
o object
return bool

Equals() public method

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. Ths performs a shallow equals where any reference types are compared by reference.
public Equals ( object o ) : bool
o object the specifies object
return bool

Filter() public method

Create a Filter.
public Filter ( ) : System
return System

Filter() public method

Create a Filter with the given name.
public Filter ( string name ) : System
name string the filter's name
return System

Filter() public method

Create a Filter with the given name and post URL.
public Filter ( string name, string postUrl ) : System
name string the filter name
postUrl string the post URL
return System

Filter() public method

Create a Filter with the given name, post url, and full data flag. If the Filter supports full-data activities, the {@link #fullData} should be set to true. If set to false, the Filter will just support notifications.
public Filter ( string name, string postUrl, bool isFullData ) : System
name string the filter name
postUrl string the post URL
isFullData bool does the filter support the full data
return System

Filter() public method

Create a Filter with the given name, post url, and full data flag. If the Filter supports full-data activities, the {@link #fullData} should be set to true. If set to false, the Filter will just support notifications.
public Filter ( string name, string postUrl, bool isFullData, IEnumerable rules ) : System
name string the filter name
postUrl string the post URL
isFullData bool does the filter support the full data
rules IEnumerable The rules to add to this filter
return System

GetHashCode() public method

The GetHashCode method is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures such as a hash table.
public GetHashCode ( ) : int
return int