C# Class FlacLibSharp.Picture

A picture metadata block.
Inheritance: MetadataBlock
Exibir arquivo Open project: AaronLenoir/flaclibsharp

Public Methods

Method Description
LoadBlockData ( byte data ) : void

Loads the picture data from a Metadata block.

Picture ( ) : System
WriteBlockData ( Stream targetStream ) : void

Will write the data describing this metadata block to the given stream.

Private Methods

Method Description
CalculateMetadataBlockLength ( ) : void

Calculates the total size of this block, taking into account the lengths of the variable length fields.

CalculateMetadataBlockLength ( uint mimeLength, uint descriptionLength, uint pictureDataLength ) : void

Calculates the total size of this block, taking into account the lengths of the variable length fields.

If the lengths of the variable length fields are already available, use this function, otherwise use the parameterless override.

Method Details

LoadBlockData() public method

Loads the picture data from a Metadata block.
public LoadBlockData ( byte data ) : void
data byte
return void

Picture() public method

public Picture ( ) : System
return System

WriteBlockData() public method

Will write the data describing this metadata block to the given stream.
public WriteBlockData ( Stream targetStream ) : void
targetStream Stream Stream to write the data to.
return void