C# Class FarseerPhysics.Dynamics.Contacts.Contact

The public class manages contact between two shapes. A contact exists for each overlapping AABB in the broad-phase (except if filtered). Therefore a contact object may exist that has no contact points.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
enabled bool
fixtureA Fixture
fixtureB Fixture
friction float
manifold FarseerPhysics.Collision.Manifold
restitution float
tangentSpeed float

Public Methods

Method Description
Contact ( Fixture fA, int indexA, Fixture fB, int indexB ) : System.Collections.Generic
evaluate ( Manifold &manifold, Transform &transformA, Transform &transformB ) : void

Evaluate this contact with your own manifold and transforms.

getWorldManifold ( System.Vector2 &normal, FixedArray2 &points ) : void

Gets the world manifold.

reset ( Fixture fA, int indexA, Fixture fB, int indexB ) : void
resetFriction ( ) : void
resetRestitution ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
create ( Fixture fixtureA, int indexA, Fixture fixtureB, int indexB ) : Contact
destroy ( ) : void
update ( ContactManager contactManager ) : void

Update the contact manifold and touching status. Note: do not assume the fixture AABBs are overlapping or are valid.

Method Details

Contact() public method

public Contact ( Fixture fA, int indexA, Fixture fB, int indexB ) : System.Collections.Generic
fA Fixture
indexA int
fB Fixture
indexB int
return System.Collections.Generic

evaluate() public method

Evaluate this contact with your own manifold and transforms.
public evaluate ( Manifold &manifold, Transform &transformA, Transform &transformB ) : void
manifold FarseerPhysics.Collision.Manifold The manifold.
transformA Transform The first transform.
transformB Transform The second transform.
return void

getWorldManifold() public method

Gets the world manifold.
public getWorldManifold ( System.Vector2 &normal, FixedArray2 &points ) : void
normal System.Vector2
points FixedArray2
return void

reset() public method

public reset ( Fixture fA, int indexA, Fixture fB, int indexB ) : void
fA Fixture
indexA int
fB Fixture
indexB int
return void

resetFriction() public method

public resetFriction ( ) : void
return void

resetRestitution() public method

public resetRestitution ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

enabled public_oe property

Enable/disable this contact. This can be used inside the pre-solve contact listener. The contact is only disabled for the current time step (or sub-step in continuous collisions). NOTE: If you are setting Enabled to a constant true or false, use the explicit Enable() or Disable() functions instead to save the CPU from doing a branch operation.
public bool enabled
return bool

fixtureA public_oe property

public Fixture fixtureA
return Fixture

fixtureB public_oe property

public Fixture fixtureB
return Fixture

friction public_oe property

public float friction
return float

manifold public_oe property

Get the contact manifold. Do not modify the manifold unless you understand the internals of Box2D.
public Manifold,FarseerPhysics.Collision manifold
return FarseerPhysics.Collision.Manifold

restitution public_oe property

public float restitution
return float

tangentSpeed public_oe property

public float tangentSpeed
return float