C# Class FT.Search.Helpers.UrlHelperExtensions

Query string processing extensions
Exibir arquivo Open project: friism/folketsting

Public Methods

Method Description
DictToQuerystring ( string>.IDictionary qs ) : string
ForQuery ( this helper, string solrQuery ) : string
ParseQueryString ( string s ) : string>.IDictionary

Parses a query string. If duplicates are present, the last key/value is kept.

RemoveParameters ( this helper ) : string
RemoveParametersUrl ( this helper, string url ) : string

Removes parameters from an url's query string

SetParameter ( this helper, string key, object value ) : string

Sets/changes a single parameter from the current query string.

SetParameter ( this helper, string url, string key, string value ) : string

Sets/changes an url's query string parameter.

SetParameters ( this helper, object parameterDictionary ) : string

Sets/changes the current query string's parameters, using parameterDictionary as dictionary

SetParameters ( this helper, string url, object>.IDictionary parameters ) : string

Sets/changes an url's query string parameters.

Method Details

DictToQuerystring() public static method

public static DictToQuerystring ( string>.IDictionary qs ) : string
qs string>.IDictionary
return string

ForQuery() public static method

public static ForQuery ( this helper, string solrQuery ) : string
helper this
solrQuery string
return string

ParseQueryString() public static method

Parses a query string. If duplicates are present, the last key/value is kept.
public static ParseQueryString ( string s ) : string>.IDictionary
s string
return string>.IDictionary

RemoveParameters() public static method

public static RemoveParameters ( this helper ) : string
helper this
return string

RemoveParametersUrl() public static method

Removes parameters from an url's query string
public static RemoveParametersUrl ( this helper, string url ) : string
helper this
url string URL to process
return string

SetParameter() public static method

Sets/changes a single parameter from the current query string.
public static SetParameter ( this helper, string key, object value ) : string
helper this
key string Parameter key
value object Parameter value
return string

SetParameter() public static method

Sets/changes an url's query string parameter.
public static SetParameter ( this helper, string url, string key, string value ) : string
helper this
url string URL to process
key string Query string parameter key to set/change
value string Query string parameter value
return string

SetParameters() public static method

Sets/changes the current query string's parameters, using parameterDictionary as dictionary
public static SetParameters ( this helper, object parameterDictionary ) : string
helper this
parameterDictionary object Parameters to set/change
return string

SetParameters() public static method

Sets/changes an url's query string parameters.
public static SetParameters ( this helper, string url, object>.IDictionary parameters ) : string
helper this
url string URL to process
parameters object>.IDictionary Paramteres to set/change
return string