C# Class Encog.Neural.Networks.Training.NEAT.NEATInnovationList

Implements a NEAT innovation list. NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) is a genetic algorithm for the generation of evolving artificial neural networks. It was developed by Ken Stanley while at The University of Texas at Austin. http://www.cs.ucf.edu/~kstanley/
Inheritance: Encog.Solve.Genetic.Innovation.BasicInnovationList
Exibir arquivo Open project: encog/encog-silverlight-core

Public Methods

Method Description
CheckInnovation ( long input, long output, NEATInnovationType type ) : NEATInnovation

Check to see if we already have an innovation.

CreateNeuronFromID ( long neuronID ) : NEATNeuronGene

Create a new neuron gene from an id.

CreateNewInnovation ( long from, long to, NEATInnovationType innovationType, NEATNeuronType neuronType, double x, double y ) : long

Create a new innovation.

CreateNewInnovation ( long input, long output, NEATInnovationType type ) : void

Create a new innovation.

NEATInnovationList ( ) : System

Default constructor.

NEATInnovationList ( IPopulation population, Chromosome links, Chromosome neurons ) : System

Construct an innovation list.

Private Methods

Method Description
AssignNeuronID ( ) : long

Assign a neuron ID.

Method Details

CheckInnovation() public method

Check to see if we already have an innovation.
public CheckInnovation ( long input, long output, NEATInnovationType type ) : NEATInnovation
input long The input neuron.
output long The output neuron.
type NEATInnovationType The type.
return NEATInnovation

CreateNeuronFromID() public method

Create a new neuron gene from an id.
public CreateNeuronFromID ( long neuronID ) : NEATNeuronGene
neuronID long The neuron id.
return NEATNeuronGene

CreateNewInnovation() public method

Create a new innovation.
public CreateNewInnovation ( long from, long to, NEATInnovationType innovationType, NEATNeuronType neuronType, double x, double y ) : long
from long The from neuron.
to long The to neuron.
innovationType NEATInnovationType The innovation type.
neuronType NEATNeuronType The neuron type.
x double The x-coordinate.
y double The y-coordinate.
return long

CreateNewInnovation() public method

Create a new innovation.
public CreateNewInnovation ( long input, long output, NEATInnovationType type ) : void
input long The input neuron.
output long The output neuron.
type NEATInnovationType The type.
return void

NEATInnovationList() public method

Default constructor.
public NEATInnovationList ( ) : System
return System

NEATInnovationList() public method

Construct an innovation list.
public NEATInnovationList ( IPopulation population, Chromosome links, Chromosome neurons ) : System
population IPopulation The population.
links Encog.Solve.Genetic.Genome.Chromosome The links.
neurons Encog.Solve.Genetic.Genome.Chromosome The neurons.
return System