C# Class Elastacloud.AzureManagement.Fluent.Services.Classes.BuildActivity

Implements IBuildActivity and also builds the project through msbuild if it exists
Inheritance: IBuildActivity
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
DirectoryRoot string

Public Methods

Method Description
Build ( ) : void

Build using the msbuild profile

BuildActivity ( DeploymentManager manager ) : System

Sets the deployment manager and assumes that there will be a rebuild

Rebuild ( ) : void

Rebuilds the build with the new params and file changes for csdef

SetCspkgEndpoint ( Uri uriEndpoint, System.Xml.Linq.XDocument configuration ) : IHostedServiceActivity

Private Methods

Method Description
IBuildActivity ( string directoryName ) : IDefinitionActivity

Creates a buildactivity if one does not already exist and sets the ccproj file for msbuild

IBuildActivity ( string uriEndpoint, string cscfgFilePath ) : IHostedServiceActivity

This will set the endpoint to the .cspkg file and determine whether it exists locally or in blob storage

RebuildWithCcProjFile ( string filePath ) : void

Creates a buildactivity if one does not already exist and sets the ccproj file for msbuild

StartMsBuildProcess ( ) : Process

Defines the msbuild process to be used to build the cloud project

Method Details

Build() public method

Build using the msbuild profile
public Build ( ) : void
return void

BuildActivity() public method

Sets the deployment manager and assumes that there will be a rebuild
public BuildActivity ( DeploymentManager manager ) : System
manager DeploymentManager
return System

Rebuild() public method

Rebuilds the build with the new params and file changes for csdef
public Rebuild ( ) : void
return void

SetCspkgEndpoint() public method

public SetCspkgEndpoint ( Uri uriEndpoint, System.Xml.Linq.XDocument configuration ) : IHostedServiceActivity
uriEndpoint System.Uri
configuration System.Xml.Linq.XDocument
return IHostedServiceActivity

Property Details

DirectoryRoot public_oe property

public string DirectoryRoot
return string