C# Class DotNetWorkQueue.QueueStatus.QueueStatusHttp

Returns queue status information, via listening on an HTTP port
Inheritance: IQueueStatus
Exibir arquivo Open project: blehnen/DotNetWorkQueue

Public Methods

Method Description
AddStatusProvider ( IQueueStatusProvider provider ) : void

Adds a status provider

Dispose ( ) : void

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

QueueStatusHttp ( QueueStatusHttpConfiguration configuration, IConfiguration additionalConfiguration, IInternalSerializer serializer, ILogFactory log ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the QueueStatusHttp class.

Start ( ) : void

Starts this instance.

Protected Methods

Method Description
ThrowIfDisposed ( [ name = "" ) : void

Throws an exception if this instance has been disposed.

Private Methods

Method Description
AcceptsGzip ( HttpListenerRequest request ) : bool

Returns true if the requester accepts gzip content.

AddCorsHeaders ( HttpListenerResponse response ) : void

Adds the cors headers.

AddNoCacheHeaders ( HttpListenerResponse response ) : void

Adds the no cache headers.

Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
ParsePath ( string listenerUriPrefix ) : string

Parses the prefix path.

ProcessRequest ( ) : Task

Processes the requests.

ProcessRequest ( HttpListenerContext context ) : Task

Processes the request.

Stop ( ) : void

Stops this instance.

WriteNotFound ( HttpListenerContext context ) : Task

Writes the not found reply.

WritePong ( HttpListenerContext context ) : Task

Writes the reply to a ping.

WriteStatus ( HttpListenerContext context ) : Task

Writes the status.

WriteString ( HttpListenerContext context, string data, string contentType, int httpStatus = 200, string httpStatusDescription = "OK" ) : Task

Writes the string.

Method Details

AddStatusProvider() public method

Adds a status provider
public AddStatusProvider ( IQueueStatusProvider provider ) : void
provider IQueueStatusProvider The provider.
return void

Dispose() public method

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

QueueStatusHttp() public method

Initializes a new instance of the QueueStatusHttp class.
public QueueStatusHttp ( QueueStatusHttpConfiguration configuration, IConfiguration additionalConfiguration, IInternalSerializer serializer, ILogFactory log ) : System
configuration DotNetWorkQueue.Configuration.QueueStatusHttpConfiguration The configuration.
additionalConfiguration IConfiguration The additional configuration.
serializer IInternalSerializer The serializer.
log ILogFactory The log.
return System

Start() public method

Starts this instance.
public Start ( ) : void
return void

ThrowIfDisposed() protected method

Throws an exception if this instance has been disposed.
protected ThrowIfDisposed ( [ name = "" ) : void
name [ The name.
return void