C# Class DataServer.DataServerBase

Inheritance: Caliburn.Micro.PropertyChangedBase, IDataServer
Exibir arquivo Open project: TNOCS/csTouch

Public Properties

Property Type Description
client csImb

Private Properties

Property Type Description
CreateShadowServiceForSharedService PoiService
Imb_OnVariable void
InitImb void
JoinSharedService void
ListReset void
ProcessReceivedImbBusVariable void
ReceivedPrivateMessage void
ReceivedServiceNotificationOnImbBus void
SendData void
SendPrivateMessage void
SendServiceReset void
SendToImbBusSubscriptedToService void
ServicesCollectionChanged void

Public Methods

Method Description
AddLocalDataService ( string folder, Mode _mode, string file, string originFolder = "", bool autoStart = false ) : PoiService
AddLocalDataServices ( string folder, Mode myMode, string originFolder = "", bool autoStart = false ) : void
AddService ( Service s, Mode serviceMode ) : void

Add and init a service

DataServerBase ( ) : System
DeleteService ( PoiService s ) : void

delete a service

RemoveService ( Service s ) : void

Remove a service

SendEvent ( string title, string content ) : void
SendFile ( string imageId, byte image, Service service ) : void
SendPrivateMessage ( int pToImbHandle, PrivateMessage pm ) : void
SendPrivateMessage ( int server, PrivateMessageActions action, System.Guid serviceId ) : void
SendPrivateMessage ( int server, PrivateMessageActions action, System.Guid serviceId, string contentId, System.Guid ownerId ) : void
Start ( Mode startMode ) : void

Start server

Start ( string folder, Mode myMode, string originFolder, bool autoStart = false, bool addLocalServices = true ) : void
Stop ( ) : void

Stop server

Subscribe ( Service s ) : void
Subscribe ( Service s, Mode pMode ) : void

Subscribe to a service. a local file will be openened from file, otherwise a subscription request will be send

TriggerTapped ( TappedEventArgs tappedEventArgs ) : void
UnSubscribe ( Service s ) : void

unsubscribe from a service

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateShadowServiceForSharedService ( string pSharedServiceName, System.Guid pSharedServiceGuid, int pImbHandleSharingService ) : PoiService

Imb_OnVariable ( TConnection aConnection, string aVarName, byte aVarValue, byte aPrevValue ) : void
InitImb ( ) : void

Initialize imb connection

JoinSharedService ( bool pServiceAlreadyExsisted, PoiService pSharedService ) : void
ListReset ( System.Guid serviceId, byte buffer, string channel ) : void

Received a complete content list from the server

ProcessReceivedImbBusVariable ( string pImbVariableName, string pImbVariableContent ) : void
ReceivedPrivateMessage ( TEventEntry aEvent, int aTick, int aBufferId, TByteBuffer aBuffer ) : void

received message on private channel

ReceivedServiceNotificationOnImbBus ( string pImbVariableName, string pImbVariableContent ) : void

IMB bus variable updated

SendData ( int receiver, Service service, string contentId, System.Guid ownerId, string channel ) : void

Send file (icon, image, audio) to a specific client

SendPrivateMessage ( int server, PrivateMessageActions action, System.Guid serviceId, string contentId, byte data, System.Guid ownerId, string channelName ) : void
SendServiceReset ( int sender, System.Guid serviceId, int priority ) : void

Send all content lists from a service to a client

SendToImbBusSubscriptedToService ( System.Guid pServiceId, int pImbClientHandle ) : void
ServicesCollectionChanged ( object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

AddLocalDataService() public method

public AddLocalDataService ( string folder, Mode _mode, string file, string originFolder = "", bool autoStart = false ) : PoiService
folder string
_mode Mode
file string
originFolder string
autoStart bool
return PoiService

AddLocalDataServices() public method

public AddLocalDataServices ( string folder, Mode myMode, string originFolder = "", bool autoStart = false ) : void
folder string
myMode Mode
originFolder string
autoStart bool
return void

AddService() public method

Add and init a service
public AddService ( Service s, Mode serviceMode ) : void
s Service
serviceMode Mode
return void

DataServerBase() public method

public DataServerBase ( ) : System
return System

DeleteService() public method

delete a service
public DeleteService ( PoiService s ) : void
s PoiService
return void

RemoveService() public method

Remove a service
public RemoveService ( Service s ) : void
s Service
return void

SendEvent() public method

public SendEvent ( string title, string content ) : void
title string
content string
return void

SendFile() public method

public SendFile ( string imageId, byte image, Service service ) : void
imageId string
image byte
service Service
return void

SendPrivateMessage() public method

public SendPrivateMessage ( int pToImbHandle, PrivateMessage pm ) : void
pToImbHandle int
pm PrivateMessage
return void

SendPrivateMessage() public method

public SendPrivateMessage ( int server, PrivateMessageActions action, System.Guid serviceId ) : void
server int
action PrivateMessageActions
serviceId System.Guid
return void

SendPrivateMessage() public method

public SendPrivateMessage ( int server, PrivateMessageActions action, System.Guid serviceId, string contentId, System.Guid ownerId ) : void
server int
action PrivateMessageActions
serviceId System.Guid
contentId string
ownerId System.Guid
return void

Start() public method

Start server
public Start ( Mode startMode ) : void
startMode Mode
return void

Start() public method

public Start ( string folder, Mode myMode, string originFolder, bool autoStart = false, bool addLocalServices = true ) : void
folder string
myMode Mode
originFolder string
autoStart bool
addLocalServices bool
return void

Stop() public method

Stop server
public Stop ( ) : void
return void

Subscribe() public method

public Subscribe ( Service s ) : void
s Service
return void

Subscribe() public method

Subscribe to a service. a local file will be openened from file, otherwise a subscription request will be send
public Subscribe ( Service s, Mode pMode ) : void
s Service
pMode Mode
return void

TriggerTapped() public method

public TriggerTapped ( TappedEventArgs tappedEventArgs ) : void
tappedEventArgs TappedEventArgs
return void

UnSubscribe() public method

unsubscribe from a service
public UnSubscribe ( Service s ) : void
s Service
return void

Property Details

client public_oe property

public csImb client
return csImb