C# Class Cureos.Numerics.IpoptAdapter

Static class providing the P/Invoke signatures to the Ipopt C interface.
Exibir arquivo Open project: cureos/csipopt Class Usage Examples

Private Methods

Method Description
AddIpoptIntOption ( IntPtr ipopt_problem, string keyword, int val ) : IpoptBoolType
AddIpoptNumOption ( IntPtr ipopt_problem, string keyword, double val ) : IpoptBoolType
AddIpoptStrOption ( IntPtr ipopt_problem, string keyword, string val ) : IpoptBoolType
CreateIpoptProblem ( int n, double x_L, double x_U, int m, double g_L, double g_U, int nele_jac, int nele_hess, IpoptIndexStyle index_style, Eval_F_CB eval_f, Eval_G_CB eval_g, Eval_Grad_F_CB eval_grad_f, Eval_Jac_G_CB eval_jac_g, Eval_H_CB eval_h ) : IntPtr
FreeIpoptProblem ( IntPtr ipopt_problem ) : void
IpoptSolve ( IntPtr ipopt_problem, double x, double g, double &obj_val, double mult_g, double mult_x_L, double mult_x_U, IntPtr p_user_data ) : IpoptReturnCode
OpenIpoptOutputFile ( IntPtr ipopt_problem, string file_name, int print_level ) : IpoptBoolType
SetIntermediateCallback ( IntPtr ipopt_problem, Intermediate_CB intermediate_cb ) : IpoptBoolType
SetIpoptProblemScaling ( IntPtr ipopt_problem, double obj_scaling, double x_scaling, double g_scaling ) : IpoptBoolType