C# Class Couchbase.Search.SearchParams

Represents a number of query options that can be applied to a FTS query request.
Inheritance: ISearchParams
Exibir arquivo Open project: couchbase/couchbase-net-client Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Explain ( bool explain ) : ISearchParams

If true, the response will include additional search score explanations.

Facets ( ) : ISearchParams

ISearchFacets used to aggregate information collected on a particluar result set.

Fields ( ) : ISearchParams

List of fields values that should be returned in the result assuming that they were indexed.

Highlighting ( HighLightStyle highLightStyle ) : ISearchParams

Allows setting of additional highlighting on the result set of matching terms.

Limit ( int limit ) : ISearchParams

Limits the number of matching results from a returned result-set.

Skip ( int skip ) : ISearchParams

Skip indicates how many matching results to skip on the result set before returing matches.

Sort ( ) : ISearchParams

Configures the list of fields which are used for sorting the search result. Fields with a prefix of "-" indicate a decending nature. If no sort is provided, it is equal to sort("-_score"), since the server will sort it by score in descending order by default.

Timeout ( System.TimeSpan timeout ) : ISearchParams

The server side timeout allows to specify an upper boundary of request execution so that it potentially doesn't run infinitely.

ToJson ( ) : Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject
ToString ( ) : string

Returns a System.String that represents this instance.

WithConsistency ( ScanConsistency consistency ) : ISearchParams

The ScanConsistency you require for you ISearchQueryResults.

Method Details

Explain() public method

If true, the response will include additional search score explanations.
public Explain ( bool explain ) : ISearchParams
explain bool
return ISearchParams

Facets() public method

ISearchFacets used to aggregate information collected on a particluar result set.
public Facets ( ) : ISearchParams
return ISearchParams

Fields() public method

List of fields values that should be returned in the result assuming that they were indexed.
public Fields ( ) : ISearchParams
return ISearchParams

Highlighting() public method

Allows setting of additional highlighting on the result set of matching terms.
public Highlighting ( HighLightStyle highLightStyle ) : ISearchParams
highLightStyle HighLightStyle The to use.
return ISearchParams

Limit() public method

Limits the number of matching results from a returned result-set.
public Limit ( int limit ) : ISearchParams
limit int
return ISearchParams

Skip() public method

Skip indicates how many matching results to skip on the result set before returing matches.
public Skip ( int skip ) : ISearchParams
skip int
return ISearchParams

Sort() public method

Configures the list of fields which are used for sorting the search result. Fields with a prefix of "-" indicate a decending nature. If no sort is provided, it is equal to sort("-_score"), since the server will sort it by score in descending order by default.
public Sort ( ) : ISearchParams
return ISearchParams

Timeout() public method

The server side timeout allows to specify an upper boundary of request execution so that it potentially doesn't run infinitely.
public Timeout ( System.TimeSpan timeout ) : ISearchParams
timeout System.TimeSpan The max length of time that that will be given to execute the query.
return ISearchParams

ToJson() public method

public ToJson ( ) : Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject
return Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject

ToString() public method

Returns a System.String that represents this instance.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

WithConsistency() public method

The ScanConsistency you require for you ISearchQueryResults.
public WithConsistency ( ScanConsistency consistency ) : ISearchParams
consistency ScanConsistency The for documents to be included in the query results.
return ISearchParams