C# Class ComponentFactory.Krypton.Ribbon.KryptonRibbonGroupButton

Inheritance: KryptonRibbonGroupItem
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
CreateView ViewBase
OnDesignTimeContextMenu void
OnKryptonContextMenuClosed void
ProcessCmdKey bool
ShouldSerializeImageLarge bool
ShouldSerializeImageSmall bool
ShouldSerializeShortcutKeys bool

Public Methods

Method Description
Hide ( ) : void

Make the ribbon group hidden.

KryptonRibbonGroupButton ( ) : System

Initialise a new instance of the KryptonRibbonGroupButton class.

PerformClick ( ) : void

Generates a Click event for a button.

PerformClick ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void

Generates a Click event for a button.

PerformDropDown ( ) : void

Generates a DropDown event for a button.

PerformDropDown ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void

Generates a DropDown event for a button.

ResetShortcutKeys ( ) : void

Resets the ShortcutKeys property to its default value.

Show ( ) : void

Make the ribbon group visible.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnClick ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void

Raises the Click event.

OnCommandPropertyChanged ( object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Handles a change in the property of an attached command.

OnDropDown ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void

Raises the DropDown event.

OnPropertyChanged ( string propertyName ) : void

Raises the PropertyChanged event.

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateView ( KryptonRibbon ribbon, NeedPaintHandler needPaint ) : ViewBase
OnDesignTimeContextMenu ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void
OnKryptonContextMenuClosed ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
ProcessCmdKey ( Message &msg, Keys keyData ) : bool
ShouldSerializeImageLarge ( ) : bool
ShouldSerializeImageSmall ( ) : bool
ShouldSerializeShortcutKeys ( ) : bool

Method Details

Hide() public method

Make the ribbon group hidden.
public Hide ( ) : void
return void

KryptonRibbonGroupButton() public method

Initialise a new instance of the KryptonRibbonGroupButton class.
public KryptonRibbonGroupButton ( ) : System
return System

OnClick() protected method

Raises the Click event.
protected OnClick ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void
finishDelegate EventHandler Delegate fired during event processing.
return void

OnCommandPropertyChanged() protected method

Handles a change in the property of an attached command.
protected OnCommandPropertyChanged ( object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void
sender object Source of the event.
e System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs A PropertyChangedEventArgs that contains the event data.
return void

OnDropDown() protected method

Raises the DropDown event.
protected OnDropDown ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void
finishDelegate EventHandler Delegate fired during event processing.
return void

OnPropertyChanged() protected method

Raises the PropertyChanged event.
protected OnPropertyChanged ( string propertyName ) : void
propertyName string Name of property that has changed.
return void

PerformClick() public method

Generates a Click event for a button.
public PerformClick ( ) : void
return void

PerformClick() public method

Generates a Click event for a button.
public PerformClick ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void
finishDelegate EventHandler Delegate fired during event processing.
return void

PerformDropDown() public method

Generates a DropDown event for a button.
public PerformDropDown ( ) : void
return void

PerformDropDown() public method

Generates a DropDown event for a button.
public PerformDropDown ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void
finishDelegate EventHandler Delegate fired during event processing.
return void

ResetShortcutKeys() public method

Resets the ShortcutKeys property to its default value.
public ResetShortcutKeys ( ) : void
return void

Show() public method

Make the ribbon group visible.
public Show ( ) : void
return void