Method | Description | |
AddGodmotherShift ( string shift, string ID ) : void |
Adds a godmother to a shift.
DeleteGodMother ( string godmotherID ) : void |
Deletes a Godmother from the system. Actually this method just sets the delete flag since we don't actually want to delete the godmother from the database.
MatchMakerProcess ( ) : void |
MatchMaker Process begins here! This Process is what currently will match cinderellas and fairygodmothers and also change ther statuses to the appropriate setting. It is only called in the server form
NewCinderella ( string id, string fname, string lname, string date, string time, string referral ) : string |
Inserts into the Cinderella Table the new Cinderella to be added
NewGodMother ( string fname, string lname ) : string |
Adds a new Godmother to the database. Since the godmother id's are automatically assigned this method will return their ID so that you can use that in the rest of the program logic like adding the godmother to shifts.
SQL_Queries ( ) : System | ||
endShift ( ) : void |
Resets all godmothers back to a status of pending.
getCinderellaStatus ( string statustocheck, string orderby ) : |
Retrieves all cinderellas with the current specified status.
getCinderellas ( bool isShopping, bool isDoneShopping, bool isCheckedOut, string orderby ) : |
getCurrentlyShopping ( ) : |
Retrieves a dataset of those who are currently shopping.
getDate ( ) : string |
Retrieves the current date and time from the database server.
getGlobalizedSettings ( string appProperty ) : string |
Method will retrieve settings from the database in the ConfigSettings table.
getGodmotherStatus ( string statustocheck, string orderby, bool filterToday ) : |
Retreives all godmothers of the status specified.
getGodmotherStatusByShift ( string statustocheck, string orderby, string shiftID ) : |
Returns godmothers working a specific shift with a specific status.
getMaxCinderellaID ( ) : string |
getNotes ( bool isShopping, bool isDoneShopping, bool isCheckedOut, string orderby ) : |
getShiftStartEnd ( bool shiftStart ) : bool |
Method is used to determine if a shift can be started or ended. If a shift is started it can be ended but not started again. EXAMPLE USAGE: if (sqlQuery.getShiftStartEnd(true)) \\shiftend { randomizeStartToolStripMenuItem1.Enabled = true; } else { randomizeStartToolStripMenuItem1.Enabled = false; } if (sqlQuery.getShiftStartEnd(false))//aka shiftEnd { endShiftToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; } else { endShiftToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; } if (sqlQuery.getShiftStartEnd(true) && sqlQuery.getShiftStartEnd(false)) { //This is an initial launch of the program and both fields are blank randomizeStartToolStripMenuItem1.Enabled = true; endShiftToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; }
getStats ( ) : string |
Retrieves all of the current stats for the system.
insertPair ( string cinderellaID, string godmotherID ) : void |
setCinderellaDetails ( string ID, string dressSize, string shoeSize, int altered, string notes, string time, string Fname, string Lname ) : void |
setGodmotherDetails ( string ID, string Fname, string Lname ) : void |
setPairing ( string godmotherID, string cinderellaID ) : void |
Pairs a godmother and Cinderella.
setShiftStartEnd ( bool shiftStart, bool clear ) : void |
Updates the time of either a shift start or shift end in the ConfigSettings table.
setStatus ( string ID, string status, bool cinderella, bool importRunning ) : void |
Sets the status of a cinderella or godmother.
sqlSelect ( string keyword ) : |
This method houses all of the basic "Select" statements.
sqlStatment ( string mysql ) : int |
Will execute a non-query sql statment.
public AddGodmotherShift ( string shift, string ID ) : void | ||
shift | string | Shift ID |
ID | string | Godmother ID |
return | void |
public DeleteGodMother ( string godmotherID ) : void | ||
godmotherID | string | Godmother ID to delete |
return | void |
public NewCinderella ( string id, string fname, string lname, string date, string time, string referral ) : string | ||
id | string | Cinderellas given iD |
fname | string | Cinderellas First Name |
lname | string | Cinderellas Last Name |
date | string | Cinderellas Appt Date |
time | string | Cinderellas Appt Time |
referral | string | The person who referred the Cinderella to the Program |
return | string |
public NewGodMother ( string fname, string lname ) : string | ||
fname | string | Godmothers First Name |
lname | string | Godmothers Last Name |
return | string |
public getCinderellaStatus ( string statustocheck, string orderby ) : |
statustocheck | string | Status that you are checking for (ie. shopping, pending, etc) |
orderby | string | How the data should be ordered (ie. lname) |
return |
public getCinderellas ( bool isShopping, bool isDoneShopping, bool isCheckedOut, string orderby ) : |
isShopping | bool | |
isDoneShopping | bool | |
isCheckedOut | bool | |
orderby | string | |
return |
public getCurrentlyShopping ( ) : |
return |
public getGlobalizedSettings ( string appProperty ) : string | ||
appProperty | string | the appProperty key of the setting you are retreiving from the database |
return | string |
public getGodmotherStatus ( string statustocheck, string orderby, bool filterToday ) : |
statustocheck | string | Status that you are checking for (ie. shopping, pending, etc) |
orderby | string | How the data should be ordered (ie. lname) |
filterToday | bool | True-Only those for the current day :: False-for everyone with the specific status. |
return |
public getGodmotherStatusByShift ( string statustocheck, string orderby, string shiftID ) : |
statustocheck | string | Status that you are checking for (ie. shopping, pending, etc) |
orderby | string | How the data should be ordered (ie. lname) |
shiftID | string | Id of the shift you are checking |
return |
public getNotes ( bool isShopping, bool isDoneShopping, bool isCheckedOut, string orderby ) : |
isShopping | bool | |
isDoneShopping | bool | |
isCheckedOut | bool | |
orderby | string | |
return |
public getShiftStartEnd ( bool shiftStart ) : bool | ||
shiftStart | bool | True-shift start : False-shift end |
return | bool |
public insertPair ( string cinderellaID, string godmotherID ) : void | ||
cinderellaID | string | |
godmotherID | string | |
return | void |
public setCinderellaDetails ( string ID, string dressSize, string shoeSize, int altered, string notes, string time, string Fname, string Lname ) : void | ||
ID | string | |
dressSize | string | |
shoeSize | string | |
altered | int | |
notes | string | |
time | string | |
Fname | string | |
Lname | string | |
return | void |
public setGodmotherDetails ( string ID, string Fname, string Lname ) : void | ||
ID | string | |
Fname | string | |
Lname | string | |
return | void |
public setPairing ( string godmotherID, string cinderellaID ) : void | ||
godmotherID | string | ID of the Godmother |
cinderellaID | string | ID of the Cinderella |
return | void |
public setShiftStartEnd ( bool shiftStart, bool clear ) : void | ||
shiftStart | bool | True-set the shift start time :: False-Set the shift end time. |
clear | bool | True-Clear the value :: False-Set the value with the current datetime |
return | void |
public setStatus ( string ID, string status, bool cinderella, bool importRunning ) : void | ||
ID | string | Id of the Cinderella or Godmother |
status | string | Status that you would like to set. |
cinderella | bool | true-set the status of a cinderella :: false-set the status of a godmother |
importRunning | bool | true-if the import is currently running. |
return | void |
public sqlSelect ( string keyword ) : |
keyword | string | Keyword identifying the select statment in the switch. |
return |
public sqlStatment ( string mysql ) : int | ||
mysql | string | SQL statement to be executed. |
return | int |