C# Class CSharpAnalytics.Protocols.Urchin.UrchinUriBuilder

Builds Urchin style URIs for tracking by Google Analytics Urchin tracking endpoint.
Exibir arquivo Open project: TechSmith/CSharpAnalytics Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
BuildUri ( UrchinActivityEntry entry ) : Uri

Build an Urchin style URI from an activity and custom variables.

UrchinUriBuilder ( UrchinConfiguration configuration, SessionManager sessionManager, IEnvironment environment ) : System

Create new UrchinUriBuilder to prepare URIs for Google's Urchin tracker endpoint.

Private Methods

Method Description
BuildParameterList ( UrchinActivityEntry entry ) : string>>.List

Build a list of the parameters required based on configuration, environment, activity, session, custom variables and state.

CarryForwardParameters ( IUrchinActivity activity, string>.ICollection parameters ) : void

Carry forward the utmp page parameter value to future event activities to know which page they occurred on.

CreateCookieSubstituteParameter ( SessionManager sessionManager, long hostNameHash ) : string

Create a cookie-substitute parameter used to track session activity.

CreateQueryString ( string>.IEnumerable parameters ) : string

Create a query for all the parameters in the key/value pairs applying necessary encoding.

EncodeCustomVariables ( ScopedCustomVariableSlot customVariables ) : string

Encode custom variables into a single parameter string.

GetParameters ( ) : string>>.IEnumerable

Get parameters for this tracker's internal state.

GetParameters ( IEnvironment environment ) : string>>.IEnumerable

Get parameters for a given environment.

GetParameters ( ScopedCustomVariableSlot customVariables ) : string>>.IEnumerable

Get parameters for a given set of custom variables.

GetParameters ( SessionManager sessionManager, long hostNameHash ) : string>>.IEnumerable

Get parameters for a given session manager and domain hash.

GetParameters ( UrchinConfiguration configuration ) : string>>.IEnumerable

Get parameters for a given configuration.

GetScopeIdentity ( CustomVariableScope scope ) : string

Get the numeric identity of visitor and session level scopes.

ReduceGuidToUint ( System.Guid guid ) : uint

Reduce a Guid down to what can be represented in a uint.

Method Details

BuildUri() public method

Build an Urchin style URI from an activity and custom variables.
public BuildUri ( UrchinActivityEntry entry ) : Uri
entry UrchinActivityEntry UrchinActivityEntry to create a URI for.
return System.Uri

UrchinUriBuilder() public method

Create new UrchinUriBuilder to prepare URIs for Google's Urchin tracker endpoint.
public UrchinUriBuilder ( UrchinConfiguration configuration, SessionManager sessionManager, IEnvironment environment ) : System
configuration UrchinConfiguration Configuration of analytics.
sessionManager CSharpAnalytics.Sessions.SessionManager Session manager.
environment IEnvironment Environment details.
return System