C# Class Amazon.Route53.Model.ListTrafficPolicyInstancesByHostedZoneRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListTrafficPolicyInstancesByHostedZone operation. Gets information about the traffic policy instances that you created in a specified hosted zone.

After you submit an UpdateTrafficPolicyInstance request, there's a brief delay while Amazon Route 53 creates the resource record sets that are specified in the traffic policy definition. For more information, see the State response element.

Send a GET request to the /Amazon Route 53 API version/trafficpolicyinstance resource and include the ID of the hosted zone.

Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items in each response. If you have a lot of traffic policy instances, you can use the MaxItems parameter to list them in groups of up to 100.

The response includes four values that help you navigate from one group of MaxItems traffic policy instances to the next:

  • IsTruncated

    If the value of IsTruncated in the response is true, there are more traffic policy instances associated with the current AWS account.

    If IsTruncated is false, this response includes the last traffic policy instance that is associated with the current account.

  • MaxItems

    The value that you specified for the MaxItems parameter in the request that produced the current response.

  • TrafficPolicyInstanceNameMarker and TrafficPolicyInstanceTypeMarker

    If IsTruncated is true, these two values in the response represent the first traffic policy instance in the next group of MaxItems traffic policy instances. To list more traffic policy instances, make another call to ListTrafficPolicyInstancesByHostedZone, and specify these values in the corresponding request parameters.

    If IsTruncated is false, all three elements are omitted from the response.

Inheritance: AmazonRoute53Request
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Private Methods

Method Description
IsSetHostedZoneId ( ) : bool
IsSetMaxItems ( ) : bool
IsSetTrafficPolicyInstanceNameMarker ( ) : bool
IsSetTrafficPolicyInstanceTypeMarker ( ) : bool