C# Class Accord.Imaging.YCbCr

YCbCr components.
The class encapsulates YCbCr color components.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
Cb float
Cr float
Y float

Public Methods

Method Description
FromRGB ( RGB rgb ) : YCbCr

Convert from RGB to YCbCr color space (Rec 601-1 specification).

FromRGB ( RGB rgb, YCbCr ycbcr ) : void

Convert from RGB to YCbCr color space (Rec 601-1 specification).

ToRGB ( ) : RGB

Convert the color to RGB color space.

ToRGB ( YCbCr ycbcr, RGB rgb ) : void

Convert from YCbCr to RGB color space.

YCbCr ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the YCbCr class.

YCbCr ( float y, float cb, float cr ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the YCbCr class.

Method Details

FromRGB() public static method

Convert from RGB to YCbCr color space (Rec 601-1 specification).
public static FromRGB ( RGB rgb ) : YCbCr
rgb RGB Source color in RGB color space.
return YCbCr

FromRGB() public static method

Convert from RGB to YCbCr color space (Rec 601-1 specification).
public static FromRGB ( RGB rgb, YCbCr ycbcr ) : void
rgb RGB Source color in RGB color space.
ycbcr YCbCr Destination color in YCbCr color space.
return void

ToRGB() public method

Convert the color to RGB color space.
public ToRGB ( ) : RGB
return RGB

ToRGB() public static method

Convert from YCbCr to RGB color space.
public static ToRGB ( YCbCr ycbcr, RGB rgb ) : void
ycbcr YCbCr Source color in YCbCr color space.
rgb RGB Destination color in RGB color space.
return void

YCbCr() public method

Initializes a new instance of the YCbCr class.
public YCbCr ( ) : System
return System

YCbCr() public method

Initializes a new instance of the YCbCr class.
public YCbCr ( float y, float cb, float cr ) : System
y float Y component.
cb float Cb component.
cr float Cr component.
return System

Property Details

Cb public_oe property

Cb component.
public float Cb
return float

Cr public_oe property

Cr component.
public float Cr
return float

Y public_oe property

Y component.
public float Y
return float