C# Class window, blade

Inheritance: Form
Exibir arquivo Open project: vannatech/blade Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
EventTarget bool
EventTarget void
Window CSSStyleDeclaration
Window CSSStyleDeclaration
Window MediaQueryList
Window Window,
Window Window,
Window Window,
Window bool
Window bool
Window double
Window int
Window int
Window int
Window object
Window object
Window string
Window string
Window void
Window void
Window void
Window void
Window void
Window void
window System

Public Methods

Method Description
addEventListener ( string type, EventHandler, handler, bool useCapture ) : void

Registers an event handler with the target.

addEventListener ( string type, EventListener, listener, bool useCapture ) : void

Registers an event listener with the target.

alert ( string message ) : void

Displays an alert message.

blur ( ) : void

Sets focus away from the window.

clearInterval ( int intervalId ) : void

Prevents further execution of a previously created interval.

clearTimeout ( int timeoutId ) : void

Prevents execution of a previously created timeout.

close ( ) : void

Closes the window.

confirm ( string message ) : bool

Displays a confirmation message.

decodeURI ( string uri ) : string

Replaces each UTF-8 escape sequence with the character that it represents.

decodeURIComponent ( string uriComponent ) : string

Replaces each UTF-8 escape sequence with the character representation.

dispatchEvent ( Event, evt ) : bool

Dispatches an event through the taret.

encodeURI ( string uri ) : string

Replaces applicable characters of a URI with their UTF-8 encoded representation.

encodeURIComponent ( string uriComponent ) : string

Replaces applicable characters of a URI component with their UTF-8 encoded representation.

eval ( string value ) : object

Executes a script at runtime.

focus ( ) : void

Sets focus on the current window.

getComputedStyle ( Element elt ) : CSSStyleDeclaration

Gets the final CSS values resulting from all CSS properties applied to an element.

getComputedStyle ( Element elt, string pseudoElt ) : CSSStyleDeclaration

Gets the final CSS values resulting from all CSS properties applied to an element.

isFinite ( INumber value ) : bool

Gets a value indicating whether or not the input is a finite number.

isNaN ( INumber value ) : bool

Gets a value indicating whether or not the input is NaN.

matchMedia ( string queryString ) : MediaQueryList

Gets a MediaQueryList object representing the specified media query string.

open ( string url ) : Window

Opens a new window.

open ( string url, string name ) : Window

Opens a new window.

open ( string url, string name, string features ) : Window

Opens a new window.

parseFloat ( string value ) : double

Converts a string to a floating point numeric value.

parseInt ( string value ) : int

Converts a string to an integer value.

postMessage ( object message, string targetOrigin ) : void

Sends a message to another window, which may be in a different domain.

print ( ) : void

Opens the browser's print dialog.

prompt ( string message ) : string

Displays a prompt requesting input from the user.

prompt ( string message, string defaultValue ) : string

Displays a prompt requesting input from the user.

removeEventListener ( string type, EventHandler handler, bool useCapture ) : void

Removes an event handler from a target.

removeEventListener ( string type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture ) : void

Removes an event listener from a target.

requestAnimationFrame ( IFunction callback ) : void

Tells the browser that you wish to perform an animation and requests that the browser schedule a repaint of the window for the next animation frame.

This is provided for convenience but is not supported in all browsers, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/window.requestAnimationFrame#Browser_compatibility for details.

scroll ( int x, int y ) : void

Scrolls to a specific place in the document.

scrollBy ( int deltaX, int deltaY ) : void

Scrolls the document relative to its current position.

scrollTo ( int x, int y ) : void

Scrolls to a specific place in the document.

setInterval ( IFunction handler, int delay ) : int

Schedules a function to run at a specific interval.

setInterval ( string code, int delay ) : int

Schedules a code snippet to run at a specific interval.

setTimeout ( IFunction handler, int delay ) : int

Schedules a function to run once.

setTimeout ( string code, int delay ) : int

Schedules a code snippet to run once.

showModalDialog ( string url ) : object

Displays a modal dialog containing another document.

showModalDialog ( string url, object argument ) : object

Displays a modal dialog containing another document.

stop ( ) : void

Stops window loading.

Private Methods

Method Description
EventTarget ( Event, evt ) : bool
EventTarget ( string type, EventListener, listener, bool useCapture ) : void
Window ( Element, elt ) : CSSStyleDeclaration
Window ( Element, elt, string pseudoElt ) : CSSStyleDeclaration
Window ( string queryString ) : MediaQueryList
Window ( string url ) : Window,
Window ( string url, string name ) : Window,
Window ( string url, string name, string features ) : Window,
Window ( INumber value ) : bool
Window ( string message ) : bool
Window ( string value ) : double
Window ( IFunction handler, int delay ) : int
Window ( string value ) : int
Window ( string code, int delay ) : int
Window ( string url ) : object
Window ( string url, object argument ) : object
Window ( string message ) : string
Window ( string message, string defaultValue ) : string
Window ( ) : void
Window ( IFunction callback ) : void
Window ( int timeoutId ) : void
Window ( int x, int y ) : void
Window ( object message, string targetOrigin ) : void
Window ( string message ) : void
window ( ) : System

Method Details

addEventListener() public static method

Registers an event handler with the target.
public static addEventListener ( string type, EventHandler, handler, bool useCapture ) : void
type string The event type name.
handler EventHandler, The event handler function.
useCapture bool Whether or not to use capture.
return void

addEventListener() public static method

Registers an event listener with the target.
public static addEventListener ( string type, EventListener, listener, bool useCapture ) : void
type string The event type name.
listener EventListener, The listener to register.
useCapture bool Whether or not to use capture.
return void

alert() public static method

Displays an alert message.
public static alert ( string message ) : void
message string The message text.
return void

blur() public static method

Sets focus away from the window.
public static blur ( ) : void
return void

clearInterval() public static method

Prevents further execution of a previously created interval.
public static clearInterval ( int intervalId ) : void
intervalId int The interval ID.
return void

clearTimeout() public static method

Prevents execution of a previously created timeout.
public static clearTimeout ( int timeoutId ) : void
timeoutId int The timeout ID.
return void

close() public static method

Closes the window.
public static close ( ) : void
return void

confirm() public static method

Displays a confirmation message.
public static confirm ( string message ) : bool
message string The message text.
return bool

decodeURI() public static method

Replaces each UTF-8 escape sequence with the character that it represents.
public static decodeURI ( string uri ) : string
uri string The URI to decode.
return string

decodeURIComponent() public static method

Replaces each UTF-8 escape sequence with the character representation.
public static decodeURIComponent ( string uriComponent ) : string
uriComponent string The URI component to decode.
return string

dispatchEvent() public static method

Dispatches an event through the taret.
public static dispatchEvent ( Event, evt ) : bool
evt Event, The event object.
return bool

encodeURI() public static method

Replaces applicable characters of a URI with their UTF-8 encoded representation.
public static encodeURI ( string uri ) : string
uri string The URI to encode.
return string

encodeURIComponent() public static method

Replaces applicable characters of a URI component with their UTF-8 encoded representation.
public static encodeURIComponent ( string uriComponent ) : string
uriComponent string The URI component.
return string

eval() public static method

Executes a script at runtime.
public static eval ( string value ) : object
value string The script text.
return object

focus() public static method

Sets focus on the current window.
public static focus ( ) : void
return void

getComputedStyle() public static method

Gets the final CSS values resulting from all CSS properties applied to an element.
public static getComputedStyle ( Element elt ) : CSSStyleDeclaration
elt Element The target element.
return CSSStyleDeclaration

getComputedStyle() public static method

Gets the final CSS values resulting from all CSS properties applied to an element.
public static getComputedStyle ( Element elt, string pseudoElt ) : CSSStyleDeclaration
elt Element The target element.
pseudoElt string The pseudo-element to match.
return CSSStyleDeclaration

isFinite() public static method

Gets a value indicating whether or not the input is a finite number.
public static isFinite ( INumber value ) : bool
value INumber The input value.
return bool

isNaN() public static method

Gets a value indicating whether or not the input is NaN.
public static isNaN ( INumber value ) : bool
value INumber The input value.
return bool

matchMedia() public static method

Gets a MediaQueryList object representing the specified media query string.
public static matchMedia ( string queryString ) : MediaQueryList
queryString string
return MediaQueryList

open() public static method

Opens a new window.
public static open ( string url ) : Window
url string The URL to open.
return Window

open() public static method

Opens a new window.
public static open ( string url, string name ) : Window
url string The URL to open.
name string The name to apply to the window.
return Window

open() public static method

Opens a new window.
public static open ( string url, string name, string features ) : Window
url string The URL to open.
name string The name to apply to the window.
features string A string representing the features available on the window.
return Window

parseFloat() public static method

Converts a string to a floating point numeric value.
public static parseFloat ( string value ) : double
value string The input string.
return double

parseInt() public static method

Converts a string to an integer value.
public static parseInt ( string value ) : int
value string The input string.
return int

postMessage() public static method

Sends a message to another window, which may be in a different domain.
public static postMessage ( object message, string targetOrigin ) : void
message object The message data.
targetOrigin string The origin for the receiving window.
return void

print() public static method

Opens the browser's print dialog.
public static print ( ) : void
return void

prompt() public static method

Displays a prompt requesting input from the user.
public static prompt ( string message ) : string
message string The prompt message.
return string

prompt() public static method

Displays a prompt requesting input from the user.
public static prompt ( string message, string defaultValue ) : string
message string The prompt message.
defaultValue string The initial input value.
return string

removeEventListener() public static method

Removes an event handler from a target.
public static removeEventListener ( string type, EventHandler handler, bool useCapture ) : void
type string The event type name.
handler EventHandler The event handler function.
useCapture bool Whether or not capture was used.
return void

removeEventListener() public static method

Removes an event listener from a target.
public static removeEventListener ( string type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture ) : void
type string The event type name.
listener EventListener The listener to remove.
useCapture bool Whether or not capture was used.
return void

requestAnimationFrame() public static method

Tells the browser that you wish to perform an animation and requests that the browser schedule a repaint of the window for the next animation frame.
This is provided for convenience but is not supported in all browsers, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/window.requestAnimationFrame#Browser_compatibility for details.
public static requestAnimationFrame ( IFunction callback ) : void
callback IFunction
return void

scroll() public static method

Scrolls to a specific place in the document.
public static scroll ( int x, int y ) : void
x int The X position, in pixels.
y int The Y position, in pixels.
return void

scrollBy() public static method

Scrolls the document relative to its current position.
public static scrollBy ( int deltaX, int deltaY ) : void
deltaX int The X position change, in pixels.
deltaY int The Y position change, in pixels.
return void

scrollTo() public static method

Scrolls to a specific place in the document.
public static scrollTo ( int x, int y ) : void
x int The X position, in pixels.
y int The Y position, in pixels.
return void

setInterval() public static method

Schedules a function to run at a specific interval.
public static setInterval ( IFunction handler, int delay ) : int
handler IFunction The function to execute.
delay int The delay, in milliseconds.
return int

setInterval() public static method

Schedules a code snippet to run at a specific interval.
public static setInterval ( string code, int delay ) : int
code string The code to run.
delay int The delay, in milliseconds.
return int

setTimeout() public static method

Schedules a function to run once.
public static setTimeout ( IFunction handler, int delay ) : int
handler IFunction The function to execute.
delay int The delay, in milliseconds.
return int

setTimeout() public static method

Schedules a code snippet to run once.
public static setTimeout ( string code, int delay ) : int
code string The code to run.
delay int The delay, in milliseconds.
return int

showModalDialog() public static method

Displays a modal dialog containing another document.
public static showModalDialog ( string url ) : object
url string The URL to show.
return object

showModalDialog() public static method

Displays a modal dialog containing another document.
public static showModalDialog ( string url, object argument ) : object
url string The URL to show.
argument object Parameters that are passed to the document.
return object

stop() public static method

Stops window loading.
public static stop ( ) : void
return void