C# Class WindowDetect, UnderworldExporter

Window detect.
Inheritance: UWEBase
Exibir arquivo Open project: hankmorgan/UnderworldExporter Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
ContextUIEnabled bool
ContextUIUse bool
CursorInMainWindow bool
CursorPosition Rect
FullScreen bool
InMap bool
JustClicked bool
MouseHeldDown bool
UIPositionsFullScreen Vector3[]
UIPositionsWindowed Vector3[]
UIsToStore UnityEngine.RectTransform[]
WaitingForInput bool
WindowWaitCount float

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
cursorSizeX int
cursorSizeY int

Public Methods

Method Description
Start ( ) : void
setPositions ( ) : void

Sets the positions of the ui elements based on the current fullscreen mode.

updateUIPositions ( ) : void

Updates the fullscreen ui positions after the player has finished dragging.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnHover ( bool isOver ) : void

Detect if the mouse cursor is in the main window view

OnPress ( bool isDown, int ptrID ) : void

Detects if the mouse is held down (used in weapon charging)

ThrowObjectInHand ( ) : void

Throws the object in hand along a vector in the 3d view.

Method Details

OnHover() protected method

Detect if the mouse cursor is in the main window view
protected OnHover ( bool isOver ) : void
isOver bool If set to true is over.
return void

OnPress() protected method

Detects if the mouse is held down (used in weapon charging)
protected OnPress ( bool isDown, int ptrID ) : void
isDown bool If set to true is down.
ptrID int Ptr I.
return void

Start() public method

public Start ( ) : void
return void

ThrowObjectInHand() protected method

Throws the object in hand along a vector in the 3d view.
protected ThrowObjectInHand ( ) : void
return void

setPositions() public method

Sets the positions of the ui elements based on the current fullscreen mode.
public setPositions ( ) : void
return void

updateUIPositions() public method

Updates the fullscreen ui positions after the player has finished dragging.
public updateUIPositions ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

ContextUIEnabled public_oe static_oe property

Is the UI set to be context sensitive
public static bool ContextUIEnabled
return bool

ContextUIUse public_oe static_oe property

public static bool ContextUIUse
return bool

CursorInMainWindow public_oe static_oe property

Is the cursor in the main window.
public static bool CursorInMainWindow
return bool

CursorPosition public_oe property

The cursor position.
public Rect CursorPosition
return Rect

FullScreen public_oe property

Is the game in fulscreen mode
public bool FullScreen
return bool

InMap public_oe static_oe property

Is the player looking at the automap
public static bool InMap
return bool

JustClicked public_oe property

Has the window just been clicked
public bool JustClicked
return bool

MouseHeldDown public_oe property

Is the mouse held down
public bool MouseHeldDown
return bool

UIPositionsFullScreen public_oe property

The positions of the UI elements when in fullscreen mode.
public Vector3[] UIPositionsFullScreen
return Vector3[]

UIPositionsWindowed public_oe property

The positions of the UI element when in windowed mode
public Vector3[] UIPositionsWindowed
return Vector3[]

UIsToStore public_oe property

The ui elements that have their position stored.
public RectTransform[],UnityEngine UIsToStore
return UnityEngine.RectTransform[]

WaitingForInput public_oe static_oe property

Is the game waiting for player typed input. Eg when picking up quantities.
public static bool WaitingForInput
return bool

WindowWaitCount public_oe property

How long to wait until the player can click the window again.
public float WindowWaitCount
return float

cursorSizeX protected_oe property

The cursor width
protected int cursorSizeX
return int

cursorSizeY protected_oe property

The cursor height.
protected int cursorSizeY
return int