C# Class VRPlayer

Singleton representing the local VR player/user, with methods for getting the player's hands, head, tracking origin, and guesses for various properties.
Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Exibir arquivo Open project: adamhleslie/MorningRitual-GlobalGameJam2016 Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
allowToggleTo2D bool

Public Methods

Method Description
Awake ( ) : void
GetHand ( int i ) : VRHand,

Get the i-th active VRHand.

OnDrawGizmos ( ) : void
OnEnable ( ) : void
OnGUI ( ) : void
Teleport ( Transform destination ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
ActivateRig ( GameObject rig ) : void

Method Details

Awake() public method

public Awake ( ) : void
return void

GetHand() public method

Get the i-th active VRHand.
public GetHand ( int i ) : VRHand,
i int Zero-based index of the active VRHand to get
return VRHand,

OnDrawGizmos() public method

public OnDrawGizmos ( ) : void
return void

OnEnable() public method

public OnEnable ( ) : void
return void

OnGUI() public method

public OnGUI ( ) : void
return void

Teleport() public method

public Teleport ( Transform destination ) : void
destination Transform
return void

Property Details

allowToggleTo2D public_oe property

public bool allowToggleTo2D
return bool