C# Class TwbDataSourceEditor, TabMigrate

Re-Maps all of the references to published datasources inside a Workbook to point to a different server/site. This transformation is needed to successfully copy a Workbook from one site/server to another site/server.
Exibir arquivo Open project: tableau/TabMigrate Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Execute ( ) : void

Run the file transformation and output the remapped file

TwbDataSourceEditor ( string pathTwbInput, string pathTwbOutput, ITableauServerSiteInfo serverMapInfo, TaskStatusLogs, statusLog ) : System


Private Methods

Method Description
RemapDataServerReferences ( XmlDocument xmlDoc, ITableauServerSiteInfo serverMapInfo, TaskStatusLogs, statusLog ) : void
RemapSingleDataServerConnectionNode ( XmlNode xNodeDatasource, ITableauServerSiteInfo serverMapInfo, TaskStatusLogs, statusLog ) : void

Remaps necesary attributes inside of the datasource->connection node to point to a new server

RemapSingleDataServerRepositoryNode ( XmlDocument xmlDoc, XmlNode xNodeDatasource, ITableauServerSiteInfo serverMapInfo, bool ignoreIfMissing, TaskStatusLogs, statusLog ) : void

Remaps the 'repository-location' node of the Data Source XML

RemapSingleWorkbooksRepositoryNode ( XmlDocument xmlDoc, XmlNode xNodeDatasource, ITableauServerSiteInfo serverMapInfo, bool ignoreIfMissing, TaskStatusLogs, statusLog ) : void

Remaps the 'repository-location' node of the Data Source XML

RemapWorkbookGlobalReferences ( XmlDocument xmlDoc, ITableauServerSiteInfo serverMapInfo, TaskStatusLogs, statusLog ) : void

Remaps global references in the workbook that refer to the site/server

helper_SetRespositorySite ( XmlDocument xmlDoc, XmlNode xnodeRepository, ITableauServerSiteInfo serverMapInfo ) : void

Ensures the repository Xml Node has the correct site value

Method Details

Execute() public method

Run the file transformation and output the remapped file
public Execute ( ) : void
return void

TwbDataSourceEditor() public method

public TwbDataSourceEditor ( string pathTwbInput, string pathTwbOutput, ITableauServerSiteInfo serverMapInfo, TaskStatusLogs, statusLog ) : System
pathTwbInput string
pathTwbOutput string
serverMapInfo ITableauServerSiteInfo
statusLog TaskStatusLogs,
return System