C# Class TileMotor, MagesOfBlight

Inheritance: BasicMotor
Exibir arquivo Open project: DomCristaldi/MagesOfBlight Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
availableMoveSteps int
desiredPoint Vector3,
redirectSpeed float
speedRamp AnimationCurve
suppliedPath List
tilesMoved int

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_trueDirec Vector3,

Public Methods

Method Description
GivePath ( List path ) : void
NavigatePath ( ) : bool

Protected Methods

Method Description
Awake ( ) : void
MoveToLocation ( HexNode, start, HexNode, end ) : bool

Move the Agent in the directoin formed by the line from the star to the end. Returns true when Agent reaches end

MoveToLocationMethod ( Vector3, position, Vector3, destination, float deltaTime ) : Vector3,
Start ( ) : void
Update ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
HandleMovement ( ) : void
MoveRoutine ( List pathList ) : IEnumerator
UpdateTrueDirec ( ) : void

Method Details

Awake() protected method

protected Awake ( ) : void
return void

GivePath() public method

public GivePath ( List path ) : void
path List
return void

MoveToLocation() protected method

Move the Agent in the directoin formed by the line from the star to the end. Returns true when Agent reaches end
protected MoveToLocation ( HexNode, start, HexNode, end ) : bool
start HexNode,
end HexNode,
return bool

MoveToLocationMethod() protected method

protected MoveToLocationMethod ( Vector3, position, Vector3, destination, float deltaTime ) : Vector3,
position Vector3,
destination Vector3,
deltaTime float
return Vector3,

NavigatePath() public method

public NavigatePath ( ) : bool
return bool

Start() protected method

protected Start ( ) : void
return void

Update() protected method

protected Update ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

_trueDirec protected_oe property

protected Vector3, _trueDirec
return Vector3,

availableMoveSteps public_oe property

public int availableMoveSteps
return int

desiredPoint public_oe property

public Vector3, desiredPoint
return Vector3,

redirectSpeed public_oe property

public float redirectSpeed
return float

speedRamp public_oe property

public AnimationCurve speedRamp
return AnimationCurve

suppliedPath public_oe property

public List suppliedPath
return List

tilesMoved public_oe property

public int tilesMoved
return int