C# (CSharp) wpf_player Namespace


Name Description
AboutDialog Logica di interazione per AboutDialog.xaml
AlwaysExecuteCommand Command that execute always without any can execute condition
AppSplashDialog Logica di interazione per AppSplashDialog.xaml
AudioPlayer Logica di interazione per AudioPlayer.xaml
AudioPlayerModel Class that implements the ViewModel in MVVM pattern. This class contains the logic for playing audio stream using the Peer as point of access for the network.
BooleanInverter Converter class that inverts boolean state.
BusyIndicatorBehavior Behaviour Class that implements the reaction of the animation visibility based on a busy state Dependency Property.
ByteSizeConverter Converter class that convert the size in byte to a more human readable string
DefaultValueConverter Converter Class that converts a default value to a given value.
LengthConverter Converter class that converts seconds length to a more human readable string label.
LocalStoreModel Class that implements the ViewModel in the MVVM pattern. This class is used to access peer functionality related to the track repository
LocalStoreWindow Logica di interazione per LocalStoreWindow.xaml
MainWindow Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
ObservableStream This class extends memory stream to allow waiting state management and position change notify. Using the WaitForMore method, a event will be launched when the needed data has been read. Position Changed event will be launched when more data has been written on the stream: the maximum resolution for this events is 1024 byte; if the position changed for less than 1024 byte the event won't be raised.
PeerConfigurationModel This class implements the ViewModel in the MVVM pattern. This relais data from the Peer to the configuration windows and allows user to update this configuration
PeerSettingsDialog Logica di interazione per PeerSettingsDialog.xaml
PortValidationRule Validator used in peer configurator. This check if port is in uses or not and if it is a valid port or not.
PositionIndicator Logica di interazione per PositionIndicator.xaml
SearchList Logica di interazione per SearchList.xaml
SearchListModel Class that implements the ViewModel in the MVVM pattern. This class contains logic for handling the research and the comminication with other viewmodels
SizeToMarginConverter Converter class used to convert position information to margin setup to move the position indication in the GUI
StreamRequestedArgs Calss containing the information about the Stream Request event
TrackDetailDialog Logica di interazione per TrackDetailDialog.xaml