C# (CSharp) eWAY.Rapid.Models Namespace


Name Description
BalanceSummaryPerCardType This Response is returned by the Settlement Search Method. It wraps the balance per card summary for a settlement summary
BaseResponse Base Response
CancelAuthorisationRequest The Transaction ID of the Authorisation to capture
CancelAuthorisationResponse The response from eWAY will contain details as to whether the transaction succeeded or failed
CapturePaymentResponse The response from eWAY will contain details as to whether the transaction succeeded or failed
CardDetails Card Details
CodeDetail Code Detail
CreateCustomerResponse The response is returned from a CreateTransaction method call. It will echo back the details of the Customer that has been, or will be, created.
CreateTransactionResponse The response is returned from a CreateTransaction method call. This will echo back the details of the Transaction (Customer, Payment, Items, options etc).
Customer Contains members that define a Rapid token customer (and card) stored in the merchant's account.
LineItem LineItem
NVPair Name Value Pair
Option Option
Payment CreateAccessCodeResponse Payment class
PaymentDetails Payment Details
ProcessingDetails Combines together all the bank/gateway specific status information for a transaction
QueryCustomerResponse Query Customer Response
QueryTransactionResponse This response simply wraps the TransactionStatus type with the additional common fields required by a return type.
Refund Combines all the high level properties required to process a refund (or Authorisation Cancel)
RefundResponse This Response is returned by the Refund Method. It wraps the TransactionStatus and the echoed back Refund Type with the standard error fields required by an API return type.
SettlementSearchRequest Settlement search filter
SettlementSearchResponse This Response is returned by the Settlement Search Method. It contains the settlment summaries and/or the settlement transactions requested
SettlementSummary This Response is returned by the Settlement Search Method. It wraps the settlement summary
SettlementTransaction This Response is returned by the Settlement Search Method. It wraps the settlement transactions
ShippingDetails Combines all the Shipping related information for a transaction
Transaction The details of a transaction that will be processed either via the responsive shared page, by transparent redirect or by Direct.
TransactionFilter Defines a set of parameters used to search for a transaction. This is defined as per the Rapid Transaction Filter. Only one of the properties should be provided.
TransactionStatus Combines together all the status information for a transaction.
Verification Verification object returned from RefundResponse.