C# (CSharp) Xnlab.SQLMon.Controls.OutlookGrid Namespace


Name Description
DataSourceManager the DataDourceManager class is a wrapper class around different types of datasources. in this case the DataSet, object list using reflection and the OutlooGridRow objects are supported by this class. Basically the DataDourceManager works like a facade that provides access in a uniform way to the datasource. Note: this class is not implemented optimally. It is merely used for demonstration purposes
DataSourceRow The DataSourceRow is a wrapper row class around the real bound data. This row is an abstraction so different types of data can be encaptulated in this class, although for the OutlookGrid it will simply look as one type of data. Note: this class does not implement all row wrappers optimally. It is merely used for demonstration purposes
DataSourceRowComparer because the DataSourceRow class is a wrapper class around the real data, the compared object used to sort the real data is wrapped by this DataSourceRowComparer class.
OutlookGridAlphabeticGroup this group simple example of an implementation which groups the items into Alphabetic categories based only on the first letter of each item for this we need to override the Value property (used for comparison) and the CompareTo function. Also the Clone method must be overriden, so this Group object can create clones of itself. Cloning of the group is used by the OutlookGrid
OutlookgGridDefaultGroup each arrange/grouping class must implement the IOutlookGridGroup interface the Group object will determine for each object in the grid, whether it falls in or outside its group. It uses the IComparable.CompareTo function to determine if the item is in the group.