C# (CSharp) XTAPI_Samples Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
GatewayStatusData Placeholder class to store all the exchange statuses
GatewayStatusData.ServerStatus Values of a specific servers status
frmFillUpdate FillUpdate This example demonstrates using the XTAPI to retrieve fills for the authenticated X_TRADER user.
frmHotKey HotKey This example demonstrates using the XTAPI capture a specific keystroke from the users keyboard.
frmManualFill ManualFill This example demonstrates how to create manual fills using the XTAPI. This sample requires you have administrative risk privileges.
frmModifyOrder ModifyOrder This example demonstrates using the XTAPI to modify an order. Modifications include change, cancel/replace, delete last order, delete all orders and delete a specified range of orders. Note: Deleting all orders or deleting a range of orders can include orders placed outside of the XTAPI application.
frmMonitorGateways MonitorGateways This example demonstrates using the XTAPI to monitor the status of TT Gateways.
frmOrderSelector OrderSelector This example demonstrates using the XTAPI to filter the order updates using the TTOrderSelector object. Note: Separate TTOrderSet objects are created for submitting orders and receiving order updates. This is the recommended practice, as orders sent on a filtered TTOrderSet must match the filter, or will be rejected.
frmOrderUpdate OrderUpdate This example demonstrates using the XTAPI to retrieve order status updates from the TTOrderSet. The TTDropHandler object is used to resolve an instrument dragged and dropped from the X_TRADER Market Grid.
frmPriceUpdateDepth PriceUpdateDepth This example demonstrates using the XTAPI to retrieve market depth data from a single instrument. The TTDropHandler object is used to resolve an instrument dragged and dropped from the X_TRADER Market Grid. Bid and ask depth size can be selected as well as enabling or disabling depth updates. The default level is set to "0" which means that all available depth will be displayed. Note: The maximum level of depth can differ by exchange.
frmPriceUpdateDragDrop PriceUpdateDragDrop This example demonstrates using the XTAPI to retrieve market data from a single instrument, and provides support for filtering market data updates. The TTDropHandler object is used to resolve an instrument dragged and dropped from the X_TRADER Market Grid.
frmPriceUpdateManual PriceUpdateManual This example demonstrates using the XTAPI to retrieve market data from a single instrument by manually specifying the contract parameters.
frmPriceUpdateMultiple PriceUpdateMultiple This example demonstrates using the XTAPI to retrieve market data from multiple instruments. The TTDropHandler object is used to resolve instrument(s) dragged and dropped from the X_TRADER Market Grid. The TTInstrObj Alias property is used to distiguish between each instrument.
frmProfitLoss ProfitLoss This example demonstrates using the XTAPI to retrieve the open P&L (profit & loss) for multiple instruments. The TTDropHandler object is used to resolve an instrument dragged and dropped from the X_TRADER Market Grid. The TTInstrObj Alias property is used to distiguish between each instrument. Note: By default the format of the P&L from the XTAPI does not match the default setting in X_TRADER. Please see the following knowledge base article for further information: https://www.tradingtechnologies.com/support/knowledge-base/1/1894/
frmServerMode ServerMode This example demonstrates using the XTAPI in Server Mode to monitor order actions. Settings EnableServerMode also requires the application to authenticate using SetUniversalLogin. Note: Server Mode allows XTAPI applications to run independent of X_TRADER. Since X_TRADER is not required, a Server Mode XTAPI application will consume it's own X_TRADER Pro license, and orders cannot be placed or modified.
frmStartOfDay StartOfDay This example demonstrates using the XTAPI to monitor and set StartOfDay (SOD) records. This sample requires you have administrative risk privileges.
frmSubmitOrder SubmitOrder This example demonstrates using the XTAPI to submit an order. The order types available in the application are market, limit, stop market and stop limit.
frmTimeAndSales TimeAndSales This example demonstrates using the XTAPI to retrieve time & sales data from a single instrument. The TTDropHandler object is used to resolve an instrument dragged and dropped from the X_TRADER Market Grid.