C# (CSharp) Veil.Parser.Nodes Namespace


Name Description
BlockNode A node that contains a sequence of other nodes
CollectionHasItemsExpressionNode Expression that evaluates whether the referenced collection has any items
ConditionalNode A node that evaluates an expression and executes one of the blocks based on the truthy-ness of the result
ExtendTemplateNode A node which chooser a parent template and loads sections of content in to the parent
FieldExpressionNode Experssion that evaluates a field on the model
FunctionCallExpressionNode Expression that executes a function on the model
IncludeTemplateNode A node which executes another template in the context of the supplied model
IterateNode A node which iterates a collection and executes the body once in for each item. Optionally a alternative block can be rendered if there are no items
LateBoundExpressionNode Expression that evaluates its type at run time using only its name
OverridePointNode A node repsenting a section in a Master/Parent page that can be replaced when the page is extended
PropertyExpressionNode Expression that evaluates a property on the model
ScopedNode A node that wraps another node with a new model in scope
SelfExpressionNode Expression that evaluates the model itself
WriteLiteralNode A node that writes a literal string expression to the System.IO.TextWriter