C# (CSharp) TimeRulerLibrary Namespace


Name Description
DebugCommandUI Command Window class for Debug purpose.
DebugCommandUI.CommandInfo CommandInfo class that contains information to run the command.
DebugManager DebugManager class that holds graphics resources for debug.
FpsCounter Component for FPS measure and draw.
KeyboardUtils Hlper class for keyboard input.
KeyboardUtils.CharPair Character pair class that holds normal character and character with shift key pressed.
Layout Layout class that supports title safe area.
StringBuilderExtensions Static flass for string builder extension methods.
TimeRuler Realtime CPU measuring tool
TimeRuler.FrameLog Frame logging information.
TimeRuler.Marker Marker structure.
TimeRuler.MarkerCollection Collection of markers.
TimeRuler.MarkerInfo Marker information
TimeRuler.MarkerLog Marker log information.