C# (CSharp) TagLib.IFD.Entries Namespace


Name Description
ByteIFDEntry Contains a byte value
LongIFDEntry Contains a LONG value.
Rational Representation of an unsigned rational value
RationalIFDEntry Contains a RATIONAL value.
SLongIFDEntry Contains a signed LONG value.
SRationalIFDEntry Contains a SRATIONAL value.
SShortIFDEntry Contains a Signed SHORT value.
ShortIFDEntry Contains a SHORT value.
StringIFDEntry Contains an ASCII STRING value.
ThumbnailDataIFDEntry Contains the data of a Thumbnail. Since the thumbnail is referenced by two long entries (offset to the data and length) we need to take care of this special case. This entry acts as the offset-entry but holds also the thumbail data. When rendering the entry, we have to render the data but write a long entry.
UndefinedIFDEntry Contains an Undefined value type, represented by a byte vector
UserCommentIFDEntry Contains an ASCII STRING value.