C# (CSharp) Smrf.NodeXL.Core Namespace


Name Description
ByDelegateVertexSorter Sorts a collection of vertices using a vertex-comparison delegate.
CollapsedGroupAttributeKeys Names of the keys stored in a CollapsedGroupAttributes object.
CollapsedGroupAttributeValues Values stored in a CollapsedGroupAttributes object.
CollapsedGroupAttributes Stores attributes that describe how a collapsed group should be displayed.
Edge Represents an edge.
EdgeCollection Represents a collection of edges.
EdgeEventArgs Provides event information for events involving an edge.
EdgeUtil Utility methods for dealing with IEdge objects.
Graph Represents a graph.
Graph.VertexMapper Helper struct used for cloning the graph's vertices.
GraphVertexEdgeBase Base class for the Graph, Vertex, and classes.
GroupInfo Contains information about one vertex group.
GroupUtil Utility methods for dealing with vertex groups.
IDGenerator Generates a sequence of unique IDs.
IntergroupEdgeInfo Contains information about the edges that connect the vertices in one vertex group to the vertices in another vertex group.
LayoutUtil Utility methods for dealing with graph layouts.
NodeXLBase Base class for most classes in the Smrf.NodeXL.Core namespace.
ReservedMetadataKeys Contains metadata keys used by the NodeXL system.
Vertex Represents a vertex.
VertexCollection Represents a collection of vertices.
VertexEventArgs Provides event information for events involving a vertex.
VertexSorterBase Base class for vertex sorters.