C# (CSharp) SIL.FieldWorks.Filters Namespace


Name Description
BadSpellingMatcher A BadSpellingMatcher
ExactCaseInsensitiveLiteralMatcher Like the base class, but match ignores case.
ExactLiteralMatcher This class takes a string and a writing system and matches strings that have exactly the same characters all in exactly that writing system.
OwnIntPropFinder An instance of this class generates a string that is the value of an integer property. (This is not an especially efficient way to handle integer properties, but it keeps the whole interface arrangement so much simpler that I think it is worth it.)
SpellCheckMethod Very like the class of the same name in VwTextBoxes.cpp
WordSetFilter A filter for selecting a group of wordform spaced on a "WfiWordSet"
WordSetNullFilter Used for disabling WordSet filters