C# (CSharp) SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Controls Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AccumulateParameters Accumulate all parameters. Inherits from TestForParameter so it can inherit the function that defines one.
BoolOnSubfieldChooserBEditControl This adapts IntOnSubfield chooser to use 0 for a boolean false and 1 for a boolean true
BulkEditBar Summary description for BulkEditBar2.
BulkEditBar.BulkEditTabPageSettings This is the base class that knows common settings used in BulkEdit tabs. Used to persist those values.
BulkEditBar.BulkReplaceTabPageSettings this just saves the target field
BulkEditBar.DeleteTabPageSettings this just saves the target field
BulkEditBar.ProcessTabPageSettings Same as BulkCopy except for the Process combo box and different controls.
BulkEditItem A bulk edit item manages a control (typically a combo) for a column that can handle a list choice bulk edit operation. (The name reflects an original intent that it should handle any kind of bulk edit for its column.)
CancelException Useful little exception class that clients can throw as part of their processing the Progress Dialog's cancel event.
CharacterInfoToolTip Provides an owner-drawn class that displays Unicode values for a text string and the ICU character name when the text string is a single character.
ChildPartGenerator Generate parts needed to provide paths to fields specified by a given layout
ClearMethod Implement (Fake)DoIt by replacing the current value with an empty string.
ComplexListChooserBEditControl This class implements setting a sequence reference property to a set of values chosen from a list.
ConfigIconClickEventArgs Arguments for clicking on ConfigIcon
DhListView Derived from ListView, this class supports notifying the browse view when resizing the columns. This class holds the headers that show above columns of data that BrowseViewer knows about.
DoItMethod This is a base class for several ways of faking and actually making a change.
ExplorerBarItem Encapsulates a single item within a SimpleExplorerBar control.
FieldComboItem Class representing the information we know about an item in a target/source field combo
FieldReadWriter These classes are command objects representing the task of getting a string value from a browse column in a way specified by its node and writing a new string value back to the object. This is orthogonal to the several different transformations that can be performed on the strings so obtained. This abstract class also has the responsibility for deciding whether a field read/writer can be created for the column, and if so, for creating the appropriate subclass.
FilterAllTextsDialog Abstract base dialog for displaying a list of texts including Scripture portions (books, sections, etc.) and allowing the user to choose which ones to include
FilterSdaDecorator This decorator modifies certain sequence properties by filtering from them items not in a master list.
FlatListChooserBEditControl This class implements setting an atomic reference property to a value chosen from a flat list, by means of a combo box showing the items in the list.
FwBasicGrid Provides an implementation of the DataGridView that uses a different color scheme for selected rows and cells from the default.
FwPanel Encapsulates a simple panel whose border, by default is 3D if visual styles aren't enabled and is a single line (painted using visual styles) when visual styles are enabled.
FwTextPanel Extends the panel control to support text, including text containing mnemonic specifiers.
HeaderLabel Implements a label control whose background appearance mimics that of a list view header.
HvoLabelItem This class allows, for example, the morph type items to be sorted alphabetically in the listbox by providing the IComparable interface.
LabelNode This override to TreeNode handles the displaying of an ObjectLabel in a custom way
LanguageSetup Summary description for LanguageSetup.
LanguageSetup.TrapEnterFilter Message filter for handling Enter key
LayoutCache This class caches the layout and part inventories and optimizes looking up a particular item.
LayoutMerger A layout merger is used to merge a current version layout with an override that is an older version. Merging takes place broadly by copying the current version into a new XmlNode in a specified document. Currently most elements are copied unmodified. However, part refs are treated specially: Each consecutive sequence of part nodes is adjusted in the following ways: - order is made to conform to the order in the override, for any elements found in the override. - any elements not found in the override are copied, in the current sequence starting from the previous element that IS matched, and visibility set to "never". - (elements not matched in the override are discarded, except that) - "$child" elements in the override are copied to the output - a specified set of attributes may also be overridden.
ListClassTargetFieldItem keeps track of a row selection (for DeleteTab) as opposed to deleting a column.
ManyOnePathSortItemReadWriter Allows a generic way to access a string in a browse view column cell. (Currently used for Source combo items)
MorphTypeChooserBEditControl This class implements setting the MorphType of the MoForm belonging to the LexemeForm field of a LexEntry.
NonEmptyTargetControl NonEmptyTargetControl is a small reusable piece currently used in the BulkEditBar. It allows three options to be chosen between for dealing with non-empty target fields in bulk copy and transduce. Additionally a separator can be chosen for the append option.
ObjectListPublisher This class publishes a list of objects through the ISilDataAccess interface. It defines a virtual property which contains a list of objects, and supports notifying changes to it. Other requests are passed through. This can be used to publish a list of objects for a BrowseViewer. In addition, it can implement the 'owning' property on which the virtual one is based. This is used for properties like "all wordforms" that don't have any logical object to be a virtual property of.
ObjectValuePartGenerator Generate parts for each value of an object
ObtainProjectMethod Method class that handles the 'obtain' FLEx Bridge option, which gets some repository (currently Lift or FW). The class will create a FLEx project from a lift repo if that repo is selected.
OwnAtomicMlPropReadWriter FieldReadWriter for strings stored in a multilingual prop of an object owned in an atomic property of the base object.
OwnAtomicStringPropReadWriter FieldReadWriter for strings stored in a non-multilingual string prop of an object owned in an atomic property of the base object.
OwnMlPropReadWriter FieldReadWriter for strings stored in multilingual props of an object.
OwnSeqMlPropReadWriter FieldReadWriter for strings stored in a multilingual prop of the FIRST object owned in an sequence property of the base object.
OwnSeqStringPropReadWriter FieldReadWriter for strings stored in a non-multilingual string prop of the FIRST object owned in an sequence property of the base object.
OwnStringPropReadWriter FieldReadWriter for strings stored in (non-multilingual) props of the object itself.
PartGenerator PartGenerator takes as input elements with attributes like class="LexSense" fieldType="mlstring" restrictions="customOnly" and generates a sequence of clones of the first non-comment child of the generate element, one for each field indicated by the parameters.
PartGenerator.ReplaceAttrAndAppend In addition to replacing an old attribute value, appends a new attribute after the one where the replacement occurs. Call DoTheAppends after running VisitAttributes.
PartOwnershipTree Helper for handling switching between related (ListItemClass) lists.
ProgressDialogWithTask A progress dialog (with an optional cancel button) that displays while a task runs in the background.
ReplaceParamDefault This one modifies the attribute, replacing the default value of the named parameter.
ReplaceParamWithDefault This one modifies the attribute, replacing the parameter with its default.
ReplaceWithMethod Implement FakeDoIt by replacing whatever matches the pattern with the result.
SearchCompletedEventArgs The event args for the SearchCompleted async event.
SearchEngine An abstract class for performing indexing and searching asynchronously.
SearchField Struct pairing a field ID with a TsString
SimpleExplorerBar Encapsulates a simple explorer bar-like control.
SimpleIntegerMatchDlg Summary description for SimpleIntegerMatchDlg.
SimpleMatchDlg SimpleMatchDlg allows the user to type a target string and indicate whether it should match the whole, start, end, or anywhere in the target. It knows how to make a matcher consistent with what the user entered.
StatusBarTextBox Allows having a colored background, as for the "filtered" panel.
TestForParameter This class tests whether there is a parameter and if so stops the processing.
TestItemAtomicFlid Test an item by following the specified flid (an atomic object property). Pass if the destination is in the validHvos set.
WSChooser WSChooser is only a mockup at this point!!!!!!!!!!!
XMLViewsDataCache A 'Decorator' class for the FDO ISilDataAccess implementation. This class allows for caching the 'fake' flids used in a browse view (i.e., flides used for the check box and selection, etc.).
XmlViewsUtils Utility functions for XmlViews. Some of these may eventually migrate to a more general Utils if relevant.