C# (CSharp) RDFSharp.Model Namespace


Name Description
RDFCollection RDFCollection represents a generic collection in the RDF model. It is made up of items, which must be all resources or all literals.
RDFCollectionItem RDFCollectionItem represents an item of a collection
RDFContainer RDFContainer represents a generic container in the RDF model. It is made up of items, which must be all resources or all literals.
RDFGraphIndex RDFGraphIndex represents an automatically managed in-memory index structure for the triples of a graph.
RDFGraphMetadata RDFGraphMetadata represents a collector for metadata describing contents of a RDFGraph.
RDFModelUtilities RDFModelUtilities is a collector of reusable utility methods for RDF model management
RDFNTriples RDFNTriples is responsible for managing serialization to and from N-Triples data format.
RDFPlainLiteral RDFPlainLiteral represents a RDFLiteral which can be denoted by a Language.
RDFResource RDFResource represents a generic resource in the RDF model.
RDFTriX RDFTriX is responsible for managing serialization to and from TriX data format.
RDFTurtle RDFTurtle is responsible for managing serialization to Turtle data format.
RDFTypedLiteral RDFTypedLiteral represents a RDFLiteral which is denoted by a Datatype.
RDFVocabulary.DC DC represents the Dublin Core vocabulary (with DCAM, DCTERMS and DCTYPE extensions).
RDFVocabulary.FOAF FOAF represents the Friend-of-a-Friend vocabulary.
RDFVocabulary.GEO GEO represents the W3C GEO vocabulary.
RDFVocabulary.OWL OWL represents the OWL vocabulary.
RDFVocabulary.RDF RDF represents the RDF vocabulary.
RDFVocabulary.RDFS RDFS represents the RDFS vocabulary.
RDFVocabulary.SIOC SIOC represents the Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities vocabulary.
RDFVocabulary.SKOS SKOS represents the W3C SKOS vocabulary.
RDFVocabulary.XML XML represents the XML vocabulary.
RDFVocabulary.XSD XSD represents the XSD vocabulary.
RDFXml RDFXml is responsible for managing serialization to and from XML data format.