Name |
Description |
ActionAssistant |
ArrowKeysHandler |
BackspaceAndDeleteKeysHandler |
BreadcrumbBar |
BreadcrumbElement |
Button |
CliHelper |
A class that provides a framework for building interactive command line interfaces. |
CliMessagePump |
A class that is used to manage a CLI thread in a similar way that other platforms synchronize work on a UI thread |
CliProfiler |
CliProgressBar |
A utility that lets you display a progress bar on the console |
CollectionDataSource |
CollectionDataView |
CollectionQuery |
ColumnViewModel |
CommandBar |
ConditionalKeywordHighlighter |
A keyword highlighter that highlights based on a condition |
ConsoleApp |
A class representing a console application that uses a message pump to synchronize work on a UI thread |
ConsoleAppKeyboardInputManager |
ConsoleBitmap |
ConsoleControl |
ConsoleHistoryManager |
A class that stores and manages command line history that is used by the up and down arrow keys handler to let users cycle through historical command lines. |
ConsolePageApp |
ConsolePixel |
ContextAssistPicker |
A context assist provider that lets the user select from a fixed set of options |
ContextAssistResult |
A class that represents a result that an IContentAssistProvider returns to a parent reader. |
ContextAssistSearchResult |
A class that represents a search result that can be selected by the ContextAssistSearch context assist provider. |
DataPoint |
DataSeries |
Dialog |
DialogButton |
Disposable |
DockMarkupProcessor |
EnterKeyHandler |
EnumAssistant |
Event |
FillMarkupProcessor |
FixedHighlightTokenHighlighter |
A highlighter that has a fixed foreground and background color. Most highlighters derive from this base. |
FocusManager |
A class that manages the focus of a CLI application |
FocusManager.FocusContext |
Data object used to capture the focus context on the stack |
Friendlies |
Grid |
GridPage |
HighlighterContext |
Context about a token that helps determine if it should be highlighted |
HomeAndEndKeysHandler |
KeyHandler |
A class that lets you dynamically create key handlers |
KeyboardEvent |
KeyboardInterceptionManager |
KeyboardShortcut |
A class that represents a keyboard shortcut that can be activate a control that does not have focus |
KeyboardShortcutProcessor |
KeywordHighlighter |
A highlighter that is used to highlight a specific keyword |
Label |
A control that displays text |
Lifetime |
LifetimeManager |
LineChartViewModel |
A view model to be used in conjunction with the LineChart control. |
LoadMoreDataSource |
LoadMoreDataSource.CachedDataSet |
LoadMoreDataSource.LoadMoreResult |
MarkupExtensionAttribute |
MarkupIgnoreAttribute |
MarkupIgnoreAttribute.NoOpProcessor |
MarkupParser |
MarkupParser.ViewModelBinding |
MarkupPropertyAttribute |
MemoryDataSource |
NotificationButton |
NumericHighlighter |
A highlighter that highlights numeric values |
Page |
PageStack |
PaintOnceContext |
ParserContext |
A class that provides context to code that is building a visual tree from markup and binding it to a view model |
PixelControl |
A control that renders a single pixel |
Point |
PowerArgsContextAwareAssistant |
PowerArgsMultiContextAssistProvider |
PowerArgsRichCommandLineReader |
A customized version of the RichTextCommandLineReader that configures tab completion, history, and syntax highlighting for a given command line arguments definition. |
ProgressOperation |
ProgressOperationAction |
ProgressOperationControl |
ProgressOperationManagerControl |
ProgressOperationsManager |
PropertyChangedSubscription |
Rectangle |
Rectangular |
RegexHighlighter |
A highlighter that highlights based on a regular expression match |
RichCommandLineContext |
A class that provides context for consumers of the RichTextCommandLineReader |
RichTextCommandLineReader |
A utility that lets you prompt a console user for input in an interactive way. It provides hooks for tab completion, syntax highlighting, history management via the up and down arrows, etc. |
RichTextEditor |
RichTextEditor.RichTextStateConsole |
ScrollablePanel |
Scrollbar |
SimpleSyntaxHighlighter |
A utility that makes it easy to perform common types of syntax highlighting based on keywords, regular expressions, etc. |
Size |
SortExpression |
SpacebarKeyHandler |
Spinner |
A control that animates (or spins). It can be used to let the user know that the system is working when they are required to wait |
StackPanel |
A panel that handles stacking child controls |
StringLiteralHighlighter |
A highlighter that highlights double quoted string literals |
Subscription |
TabKeyHandler |
The built in tab key handler |
TextBox |
A control that lets the user provide text input |
Theme |
Thickness |
Threshold |
TimeProfiler |
ValidationEnforcementTokenHighlighter |