C# (CSharp) OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.Server.CommandHandlers Namespace


Name Description
AcceptAlertHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.AddCookie command.
AddCookieHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.AddCookie command.
ChangeUrlHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.Get command.
ClearElementHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.ClearElement command.
ClickElementHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.ClickElement command.
CloseHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.Close command.
CommandNotImplementedHandler Provides the handler for the an instance where the command handler has not been implemented.
DefineDriverMappingHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.DefineDriverMapping command.
DeleteAllCookiesHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.DeleteAllCookies command.
DeleteCookieNamedHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.DeleteCookie command.
DescribeElementHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.DescribeElement command.
DismissAlertHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.DismissAlert command.
ElementEqualsHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.ElementEquals command.
ExecuteAsyncScriptHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.ExecuteAsyncScript command.
ExecuteScriptHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.ExecuteScript command.
FindChildElementHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.FindChildElement command.
FindChildElementsHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.FindChildElements command.
FindElementHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.FindElement command.
FindElementsHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.FindElements command.
GetActiveElementHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetActiveElement command.
GetAlertTextHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetAlertText command.
GetAllCookiesHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetAllCookies command.
GetAllWindowsHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetWindowHandles command.
GetCurrentUrlHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetCurrentUrl command.
GetCurrentWindowHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetCurrentWindowHandle command.
GetElementAttributeHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetElementAttribute command.
GetElementDisplayedHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.IsElementDisplayed command.
GetElementEnabledHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.IsElementEnabled command.
GetElementLocationHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetElementLocation command.
GetElementScrolledIntoViewLocationHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetElementLocationOnceScrolledIntoView command.
GetElementSelectedHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.IsElementSelected command.
GetElementSizeHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetElementSize command.
GetElementTagNameHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetElementTagName command.
GetElementTextHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetElementText command.
GetElementValueOfCssPropertyHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetElementValueOfCssProperty command.
GetOrientationHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetOrientation command.
GetPageSourceHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetPageSource command.
GetSessionCapabilitiesHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetSessionCapabilities command.
GetSessionListHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetSessionList command.
GetTitleHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetTitle command.
GetWindowPositionHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetWindowPosition command.
GetWindowSizeHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GetWindowSize command.
GoBackHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GoBack command.
GoForwardHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.GoForward command.
ImplicitlyWaitHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.ImplicitlyWait command.
MaximizeWindowHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.SetWindowSize command.
MouseClickHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.MouseClick command.
MouseDoubleClickHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.MouseDoubleClick command.
MouseDownHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.MouseDown command.
MouseMoveToHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.MouseMoveTo command.
MouseUpHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.MouseUp command.
NewSessionHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.NewSession command.
QuitHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.Quit command.
RefreshHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.Refresh command.
ScreenshotHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.Screenshot command.
SendKeysToActiveElementHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.SendKeysToActiveElement command.
SendKeysToElementHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.SendKeysToElement command.
SetAlertTextHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.SetAlertValue command.
SetAsyncScriptTimeoutHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.SetAsyncScriptTimeout command.
SetOrientationHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.SetOrientation command.
SetTimeoutHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.SetWindowSize command.
SetWindowPositionHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.SetWindowPosition command.
SetWindowSizeHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.SetWindowSize command.
StatusHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.Status command.
SubmitElementHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.SubmitElement command.
SwitchToFrameHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.SwitchToFrame command.
SwitchToWindowHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.SwitchToWindow command.
UploadFileHandler Provides the handler for the DriverCommand.UploadFile command.
WebDriverCommandHandler Base class for handling all DriverCommand values where the URL specifies a session ID. In other words, the URL must contain "/session/{sessionId}/".
WebElementCommandHandler Base class for handling all DriverCommand values where the URL specifies an element id. In other words, the URL must contain "/element/{id}/".