C# (CSharp) NewTOAPIA.Graphics.Imaging Namespace


Name Description
ApplySourceAlpha For this one, we take the alpha channel of the source, and multiply it against the pixel values in the destination. Return the destination.
ConstantAlpha Zero One SrcColor OneMinueSrcColor DstColor OneMinusDstColor SrcAlpha, OneMinusSrcAlpha DstAlpha
NOT Operator 'NOT' is a logical operator for pixels. it will basically flip bits around 128 and create what looks like a negative image. The alpha channel is left unchanged.
SourceCopy This is the most basic of operators. It simply returns the source color, which amounts to a copy over the destination pixel.
SubtractColor Subtract a constant color. Stretch the results by adding 1.0 to the result of the addition and then dividing by 2.0. It takes more computation, but it ensures that the values will stay within the range of 0.0 -> 1.0