Name |
Description |
AddressTest |
AddressTypeTest |
Provides tests for the and AddressType objects (entity, collection and repository). |
AwBuildVersionTest |
BillOfMaterialsTest |
ContactCreditCardTest |
ContactTest |
ContactTypeTest |
CountryRegionCurrencyTest |
CountryRegionTest |
Provides tests for the and CountryRegion objects (entity, collection and repository). |
CreditCardTest |
Provides tests for the and CreditCard objects (entity, collection and repository). |
CultureTest |
Provides tests for the and Culture objects (entity, collection and repository). |
CurrencyRateTest |
Provides tests for the and CurrencyRate objects (entity, collection and repository). |
CurrencyTest |
CustomerAddressTest |
Provides tests for the and CustomerAddress objects (entity, collection and repository). |
CustomerTest |
DatabaseLogTest |
DepartmentTest |
Provides tests for the and Department objects (entity, collection and repository). |
DocumentTest |
Provides tests for the and Document objects (entity, collection and repository). |
EmployeeAddressTest |
Provides tests for the and EmployeeAddress objects (entity, collection and repository). |
EmployeeDepartmentHistoryTest |
Provides tests for the and EmployeeDepartmentHistory objects (entity, collection and repository). |
EmployeePayHistoryTest |
Provides tests for the and EmployeePayHistory objects (entity, collection and repository). |
EmployeeTest |
Provides tests for the and Employee objects (entity, collection and repository). |
ErrorLogTest |
IllustrationTest |
IndividualTest |
Provides tests for the and Individual objects (entity, collection and repository). |
JobCandidateTest |
Provides tests for the and JobCandidate objects (entity, collection and repository). |
LocationTest |
Provides tests for the and Location objects (entity, collection and repository). |
NullFkeyChildTest |
NullFkeyParentTest |
ProductCategoryTest |
ProductCostHistoryTest |
Provides tests for the and ProductCostHistory objects (entity, collection and repository). |
ProductDescriptionTest |
Provides tests for the and ProductDescription objects (entity, collection and repository). |
ProductDocumentTest |
Provides tests for the and ProductDocument objects (entity, collection and repository). |
ProductInventoryTest |
ProductListPriceHistoryTest |
Provides tests for the and ProductListPriceHistory objects (entity, collection and repository). |
ProductModelIllustrationTest |
Provides tests for the and ProductModelIllustration objects (entity, collection and repository). |
ProductModelProductDescriptionCultureTest |
ProductModelTest |
ProductPhotoTest |
ProductProductPhotoTest |
Provides tests for the and ProductProductPhoto objects (entity, collection and repository). |
ProductReviewTest |
ProductSubcategoryTest |
ProductTest |
ProductVendorTest |
PurchaseOrderDetailTest |
Provides tests for the and PurchaseOrderDetail objects (entity, collection and repository). |
PurchaseOrderHeaderTest |
Provides tests for the and PurchaseOrderHeader objects (entity, collection and repository). |
SalesOrderDetailTest |
SalesOrderHeaderSalesReasonTest |
Provides tests for the and SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason objects (entity, collection and repository). |
SalesOrderHeaderTest |
SalesPersonQuotaHistoryTest |
SalesPersonTest |
Provides tests for the and SalesPerson objects (entity, collection and repository). |
SalesReasonTest |
Provides tests for the and SalesReason objects (entity, collection and repository). |
SalesTaxRateTest |
SalesTerritoryHistoryTest |
Provides tests for the and SalesTerritoryHistory objects (entity, collection and repository). |
SalesTerritoryTest |
ScrapReasonTest |
ShiftTest |
Provides tests for the and Shift objects (entity, collection and repository). |
ShipMethodTest |
ShoppingCartItemTest |
SpecialOfferProductTest |
Provides tests for the and SpecialOfferProduct objects (entity, collection and repository). |
SpecialOfferTest |
Provides tests for the and SpecialOffer objects (entity, collection and repository). |
StateProvinceTest |
StoreContactTest |
Provides tests for the and StoreContact objects (entity, collection and repository). |
StoreTest |
Provides tests for the and Store objects (entity, collection and repository). |
StudentMasterIndexTest |
TestIssue117TableaTest |
Provides tests for the and TestIssue117Tablea objects (entity, collection and repository). |
TestIssue117TablebTest |
Provides tests for the and TestIssue117Tableb objects (entity, collection and repository). |
TestIssue117TablecTest |
TestProductTest |
TestTimestampTest |
TestUtility |
TestVariantTest |
TimestampPkTest |
Provides tests for the and TimestampPk objects (entity, collection and repository). |
TransactionHistoryArchiveTest |
TransactionHistoryTest |
Provides tests for the and TransactionHistory objects (entity, collection and repository). |
UnitMeasureTest |
VAdditionalContactInfoTest |
VEmployeeDepartmentHistoryTest |
Provides tests for the and VEmployeeDepartmentHistory objects (entity, collection and repository). |
VEmployeeDepartmentTest |
Provides tests for the and VEmployeeDepartment objects (entity, collection and repository). |
VEmployeeTest |
Provides tests for the and VEmployee objects (entity, collection and repository). |
VIndividualCustomerTest |
VIndividualDemographicsTest |
Provides tests for the and VIndividualDemographics objects (entity, collection and repository). |
VJobCandidateEducationTest |
VJobCandidateEmploymentTest |
VJobCandidateTest |
VProductAndDescriptionTest |
Provides tests for the and VProductAndDescription objects (entity, collection and repository). |
VProductModelCatalogDescriptionTest |
VProductModelInstructionsTest |
Provides tests for the and VProductModelInstructions objects (entity, collection and repository). |
VSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYearsTest |
VSalesPersonTest |
VStateProvinceCountryRegionTest |
Provides tests for the and VStateProvinceCountryRegion objects (entity, collection and repository). |
VStoreWithDemographicsTest |
VVendorTest |
Provides tests for the and VVendor objects (entity, collection and repository). |
VendorAddressTest |
VendorContactTest |
VendorTest |
Provides tests for the and Vendor objects (entity, collection and repository). |
WorkOrderRoutingTest |
Provides tests for the and WorkOrderRouting objects (entity, collection and repository). |
WorkOrderTest |
Provides tests for the and WorkOrder objects (entity, collection and repository). |