Name |
Description |
AddressAlreadyInUseException |
AgainException |
BeaconMessage |
Contents of a message received from a beacon. |
Blob |
EndpointNotFoundException |
ErrorPollingException |
FaultException |
FiniteStateMachineException |
HostUnreachableException |
InvalidException |
Msg |
A Msg struct is the lowest-level interpretation of a ZeroMQ message, and simply contains byte-array data and MsgType and MsgFlags properties. It supports message buffer pooling. |
NetMQBeacon |
NetMQBeacon.Shim |
NetMQBeaconEventArgs |
A NetMQBeaconEventArgs is an EventArgs that provides a property that holds a NetMQBeacon. |
NetMQConfig |
NetMQContext |
Context class of the NetMQ, you should have only one context in your application |
NetMQException |
NetMQPoller |
NetMQPoller.NetMQSynchronizationContext |
NetMQScheduler |
NetMQSelector |
For selecting on NetMQSocket or regualr .net Socket. This is for advanced usages, for most cases NetMQPoller is the suggested alternative. |
NetMQSelector.Item |
Selector Item used to hold the NetMQSocket/Socket and PollEvents |
NetMQSocketEventArgs |
OutgoingSocketExtensions |
This static class serves to provide extension methods for IOutgoingSocket. |
Poller |
ProtocolNotSupportedException |
Proxy |
Forward messages between two sockets, you can also specify control socket which both sockets will send messages to |
ReceivingSocketExtensions |
This static class serves to provide extension methods for IReceivingSocket. |
SocketOptions |
TerminatingException |