Name |
Description |
AParametersCollection |
AbstractMessage |
AbstractPropertyEventMethod |
AnonymousExpression |
AnonymousExpression.AnonymousMethodMethod |
AnonymousMethodBody |
AnonymousMethodExpression |
AnonymousMethodExpression.Quote |
AnonymousMethodStorey |
AnonymousMethodStorey.StoreyFieldPair |
AnonymousMethodStorey.ThisInitializer |
AnonymousTypeClass |
AnonymousTypeClass.GeneratedParameter |
ArglistParameter |
Assign |
The Assign node takes care of assigning the value of source into the expression represented by target. |
Block |
Block represents a C# block. |
BlockConstantDeclaration |
BlockContext |
BlockVariableDeclaration |
BlockVariableDeclaration.Declarator |
BoolConstant |
Break |
BuilderContext |
BuilderContext.FlagsHandle |
BuildinTypes |
ByteConstant |
CSharpCodeCompiler |
CSharpCodeGenerator |
CSharpParser |
The C# Parser |
CSharpParser.OperatorDeclaration |
A class used to hold info about an operator declarator |
CSharpParser.YYRules |
CSharpParser.yyException |
Catch |
CharConstant |
Checked |
Class |
ClassOrStruct |
CloneContext |
CommandLineParser |
CompilerAssign |
CompilerCallableEntryPoint |
CompilerCompilationUnit |
CompilerContext |
CompilerGeneratedClass |
CompilerGeneratedContainer |
CompilerSettings |
CompletingExpression |
CompletionElementInitializer |
CompletionMemberAccess |
CompletionSimpleName |
CompoundAssign |
CompoundAssign.TargetExpression |
ConsoleReportPrinter |
Constant |
Base class for constants and literals. |
Constructor |
ConstructorBaseInitializer |
ConstructorInitializer |
ConstructorThisInitializer |
Continue |
DecimalConstant |
DeclSpace |
Base class for structs, classes, enumerations and interfaces. |
DefaultParameterValueExpression |
DefiniteAssignmentBitSet |
Delegate |
DelegateCreation |
DelegateInvocation |
Destructor |
Do |
DocUtil |
Documentation |
DoubleConstant |
Driver |
The compiler driver. |
DynamicConstructorBinder |
DynamicConversion |
DynamicEventCompoundAssign |
DynamicEventCompoundAssign.IsEvent |
DynamicExpressionStatement |
DynamicExpressionStatement.BinderFlags |
DynamicIndexBinder |
DynamicInvocation |
DynamicMemberAssignable |
DynamicMemberBinder |
DynamicResultCast |
DynamicSiteClass |
DynamicTypeExpr |
DynamicUnaryConversion |
EmitContext |
An Emit Context is created for each body of code (from methods, properties bodies, indexer bodies or constructor bodies) |
EmptyStatement |
ErrorMessage |
Evaluator |
Evaluator: provides an API to evaluate C# statements and expressions dynamically. |
Event |
Event.AEventAccessor |
EventField |
Event is declared like field. |
EventField.AddDelegateMethod |
EventField.EventFieldAccessor |
EventField.RemoveDelegateMethod |
EventProperty |
For case when event is declared like property (with add and remove accessors). |
EventProperty.AEventPropertyAccessor |
EventProperty.AddDelegateMethod |
EventProperty.RemoveDelegateMethod |
EventSpec |
ExceptionStatement |
ExitStatement |
ExplicitBlock |
Field |
FieldBase |
FieldDeclarator |
FieldInitializer |
FieldInitializer.FieldInitializerContext |
FieldSpec |
Fixed |
Fixed.Emitter |
Fixed.ExpressionEmitter |
Fixed.StringEmitter |
Fixed.VariableDeclaration |
FixedField |
Fixed buffer implementation |
FixedFieldSpec |
FloatConstant |
For |
Foreach |
Implementation of the foreach C# statement |
Foreach.ArrayForeach |
Foreach.CollectionForeach |
Foreach.CollectionForeach.Body |
Foreach.CollectionForeach.RuntimeDispose |
GeneratedBaseInitializer |
GlobalRootNamespace |
Goto |
GotoCase |
`goto case' statement |
GotoDefault |
`goto default' statement |
HoistedEvaluatorVariable |
HoistedLocalVariable |
HoistedParameter |
HoistedParameter.HoistedFieldAssign |
HoistedStoreyClass |
HoistedStoreyClass.HoistedField |
HoistedThis |
HoistedVariable |
HoistedVariable.ExpressionTreeVariableReference |
If |
ImplicitDelegateCreation |
ImplicitLambdaParameter |
ImportedAssemblyDefinition |
ImportedDefinition |
ImportedDefinition.AttributesBag |
ImportedGenericMethodDefinition |
ImportedMemberDefinition |
ImportedModuleDefinition |
ImportedParameterMemberDefinition |
ImportedTypeDefinition |
ImportedTypeParameterDefinition |
IndentedTextWriter |
Indexer |
Indexer.GetIndexerMethod |
Indexer.SetIndexerMethod |
IndexerSpec |
IntConstant |
IntegralConstant |
InteractiveBase |
The default base class for every interaction line |
Interface |
Interfaces |
InterfaceMemberBase |
InternalErrorException |
LabeledStatement |
LocalTemporary |
An Expression to hold a temporary value. |
LocalVariable |
Lock |
LongConstant |
MemberBase |
MemberCore |
Base representation for members. This is used to keep track of Name, Location and Modifier flags, and handling Attributes. |
MemberName |
MemberSpec |
MetadataImporter |
MetadataImporter.DynamicTypeReader |
Method |
MethodCore |
MethodData |
MethodOrOperator |
MethodSpec |
ModifiersExtensions |
ModuleContainer |
ModuleContainer.PatternMatchingHelper |
ModuleContainer.StaticDataContainer |
NameOf |
Namespace |
Keeps track of the namespaces defined in the C# code. This is an Expression to allow it to be referenced in the compiler parse/intermediate tree during name resolution. |
NamespaceEntry |
NamespaceEntry.LocalUsingAliasEntry |
NamespaceEntry.UsingAliasEntry |
NamespaceEntry.UsingEntry |
NewDelegate |
NullConstant |
NullPointer |
Operator |
OptionalAssign |
A class used to assign values if the source expression is not void Used by the interactive shell to allow it to call this code to set the return value for an invocation. |
Parameter |
ParameterBase |
Abstract Base class for parameters of a method. |
ParameterData |
ParametersBlock |
ParametersBlock.BlockScopeExpression |
ParametersBlock.ParameterInfo |
ParametersCompiled |
Represents the methods parameters |
ParametersImported |
ParamsParameter |
PredefinedType |
PredefinedTypes |
PrimaryConstructorField |
PrimaryConstructorField.TypeExpressionFromParameter |
Property |
Property.BackingField |
Property.BackingFieldDeclaration |
PropertyBase |
PropertyBase.GetMethod |
PropertyBase.PropertyMethod |
PropertyBase.SetMethod |
PropertyBasedMember |
PropertySpec |
Reachability |
Report |
ReportPrinter |
ResolveContext |
ResolveContext.FlagsHandle |
ResumableStatement |
Return |
Implements the return statement |
ReturnParameter |
Class for applying custom attributes on the return type |
RoleAssign |
RoleField |
RootContext |
RootNamespace |
RuntimeExplicitAssign |
RuntimeValueExpression |
RuntimeValueExpression.DynamicMetaObject |
SByteConstant |
Self |
SessionReportPrinter |
ShortConstant |
SideEffectConstant |
The value is constant, but when emitted has a side effect. This is used by BitwiseAnd to ensure that the second expression is invoked regardless of the value of the left side. |
SimpleAssign |
SimpleMemberName |
SourceMethod |
Statement |
StatementExpression |
StatementList |
StreamReportPrinter |
StringConstant |
Struct |
Switch |
Switch.KeyBlock |
SwitchLabel |
SwitchSection |
Throw |
Timer |
Token |
ToplevelBlock |
TryCatch |
TryFinally |
TypeContainer |
TypeContainer.BaseContext |
TypeInfo |
This is used by the flow analysis code to keep track of the type of local variables and variables. The flow code uses a BitVector to keep track of whether a variable has been assigned or not. This is easy for fundamental types (int, char etc.) or reference types since you can only assign the whole variable as such. For structs, we also need to keep track of all its fields. To do this, we allocate one bit for the struct itself (it's used if you assign/access the whole struct) followed by one bit for each of its fields. This class computes this `layout' for each type. |
TypeInfo.StructInfo |
TypeManager |
UIntConstant |
ULongConstant |
UShortConstant |
Unchecked |
Undo |
Unsafe |
Using |
Using.VariableDeclaration |
VariableInfo |
WarningMessage |
WarningRegions |
Handles ////#pragma warning |
WarningRegions.Disable |
WarningRegions.DisableAll |
WarningRegions.Enable |
WarningRegions.EnableAll |
WarningRegions.PragmaCmd |
While |