C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Azure.Insights.Legacy.Models Namespace


Name Description
BlobInfo Contains the information for blobs. Each one is used for a specific time range.
BlobLocation Details about the set of blobs containing data split by time.
Dimension Metric dimension specifies the dimension name and list of dimension values.
LocalizableString The localizable string class.
Metric A metric value set represents a set of metric values in a time period.
MetricAvailability Metric availability specifies the time grain (aggregation interval or frequency) and the retention period for that time grain.
MetricCollection The collection of metric value sets.
MetricDefinition Metric definition class specifies the metadata for a metric.
MetricDefinitionCollection Represents collection of metric definitions.
MetricDefinitionListResponse The List Metric Definitions operation response.
MetricListResponse The List Metric values operation response.
MetricTableInfo Contains the details of the tables that metric data is stored in. A new table is created every 10 days for storing metrics.
MetricValue Represents a metric value.