C# (CSharp) Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AzureAlertNotification Contains information sent in a WebHook notification from Azure Alert Service.
AzureAlertWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by Azure Alert Service. A sample WebHook URI is 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/azurealert/{id}?code=83699ec7c1d794c0c780e49a5c72972590571fd8'. For security reasons the WebHook URI must be an https URI and contain a 'code' query parameter with the same value as configured in the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_AzureAlert' application setting, optionally using IDs to differentiate between multiple WebHooks, for example 'secret0, id1=secret1, id2=secret2'. The 'code' parameter must be between 32 and 128 characters long. For details about Azure WebHooks, see https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/insights-webhooks-alerts/.
AzureWebHookDequeueManager Provides an event loop which dequeues messages from a Microsoft Azure Queue and then sends the WebHook to the recipients. If the delivery success then the message is removed from the queue, otherwise it remains so that another attempt can be made. After a given number of attempts the message is discarded without being delivered.
BitbucketWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by Bitbucket. A sample WebHook URI is 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/bitbucket/{id}?code=83699ec7c1d794c0c780e49a5c72972590571fd8'. For security reasons the WebHook URI must be an https URI and contain a 'code' query parameter with the same value as configured in the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_Bitbucket' application setting. The 'code' parameter must be between 32 and 128 characters long. For details about Bitbucket WebHooks, see https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/manage-webhooks-735643732.html/.
CustomWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation that can be used to receive WebHooks from multiple parties supporting WebHooks generated by the ASP.NET Custom WebHooks module. Each party can have a separate shared secret used to sign its WebHook requests. Define an application setting named 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_Custom_<name>' containing the secret for each WebHook generator. The corresponding WebHook URI is of the form 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/<name>'.
DataSecurity Provides utility functions for the Data Protection functionality in ASP.NET Core 1.0
DataflowWebHookSender Provides an implementation of IWebHookSender for sending HTTP requests to registered WebHook instances using a default WebHook wire format and retry mechanism.
DefaultWebHookIdValidator Provides a default implementation of IWebHookIdValidator which simply deletes any Id provided by a client and instead forces a valid Id to be created on server side.
DropboxWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by Dropbox. Set the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_Dropbox' application setting to the application secrets, optionally using IDs to differentiate between multiple WebHooks, for example 'secret0, id1=secret1, id2=secret2'. The corresponding WebHook URI is of the form 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/dropbox/{id}'. For details about Dropbox WebHooks, see https://www.dropbox.com/developers/webhooks/docs.
DynamicsCrmWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by Microsoft Dynamics CRM. A sample WebHook URI is 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/dynamicscrm/{id}?code=83699ec7c1d794c0c780e49a5c72972590571fd8'. For security reasons the WebHook URI must be an https URI and contain a 'code' query parameter with the same value as configured in the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_DynamicsCRM' application setting, optionally using IDs to differentiate between multiple WebHooks, for example 'secret0, id1=secret1, id2=secret2'. The 'code' parameter must be between 32 and 128 characters long. For details about Microsoft Dynamics CRM WebHooks, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=722218.
GenericJsonWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports generic WebHooks containing valid JSON with no special validation logic or security requirements. This can for example be used to receive WebHooks from IFTTT's Maker Channel or a Zapier WebHooks Action. A sample WebHook URI is 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/genericjson/{id}?code=83699ec7c1d794c0c780e49a5c72972590571fd8'. For security reasons the WebHook URI must be an https URI and contain a 'code' query parameter with the same value as configured in the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_GenericJson' application setting, optionally using IDs to differentiate between multiple WebHooks, for example 'secret0, id1=secret1, id2=secret2'. The 'code' parameter must be between 32 and 128 characters long. The URI may optionally include a 'action' query parameter which will serve as the WebHook action.
GitHubWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by GitHub. Set the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_GitHub' application setting to the secret defined in GitHub. The corresponding WebHook URI is of the form 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/github'. For details about GitHub WebHooks, see https://developer.github.com/webhooks/.
InstagramNotification Describes an Instagram WebHook event notification. For details about Instagram WebHooks, please see https://instagram.com/developer/realtime/.
InstagramNotificationData Describes the data portion of an Instagram WebHook event notification. For details about Instagram WebHooks, please see https://www.instagram.com/developer/subscriptions/.
InstagramWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by Instagram. Set the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_Instagram' application setting to the application secrets, optionally using IDs to differentiate between multiple WebHooks, for example 'secret0, id1=secret1, id2=secret2'. The corresponding WebHook URI is of the form 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/instagram/{id}'. For details about Instagram WebHooks, see https://instagram.com/developer/realtime/.
KuduWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by Kudu (Azure Web App Deployment Service). A sample WebHook URI is 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/kudu/{id}?code=83699ec7c1d794c0c780e49a5c72972590571fd8'. For security reasons the WebHook URI must be an https URI and contain a 'code' query parameter with the same value as configured in the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_Kudu' application setting, optionally using IDs to differentiate between multiple WebHooks, for example 'secret0, id1=secret1, id2=secret2'. The 'code' parameter must be between 32 and 128 characters long. For details about Kudu WebHooks, see https://github.com/projectkudu/kudu/wiki/Web-hooks.
MailChimpWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by MailChimp. A sample WebHook URI is 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/mailchimp/{id}?code=83699ec7c1d794c0c780e49a5c72972590571fd8'. For security reasons the WebHook URI must be an https URI and contain a 'code' query parameter with the same value as configured in the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_MailChimp' application setting. The 'code' parameter must be between 32 and 128 characters long. For details about MailChimp WebHooks, see https://apidocs.mailchimp.com/webhooks/.
MemoryWebHookStore Provides an implementation of IWebHookStore storing registered WebHooks in memory.
MyGetWebHookHandlerBase Provides a base IWebHookHandler implementation which can be used to for handling MyGet WebHook using strongly-typed payloads. For details about MyGet WebHooks, see http://docs.myget.org/docs/reference/webhooks.
MyGetWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by MyGet. A sample WebHook URI is 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/myget/{id}?code=83699ec7c1d794c0c780e49a5c72972590571fd8'. For security reasons the WebHook URI must be an https URI and contain a 'code' query parameter with the same value as configured in the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_MyGet' application setting. The 'code' parameter must be between 32 and 128 characters long. For details about MyGet WebHooks, see http://docs.myget.org/docs/reference/webhooks.
PaypalWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by Paypal using the Paypal .NET SDK, see https://www.nuget.org/packages/PayPal. Configure the Paypal WebHook settings using the web.config file as described in https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-NET-SDK/wiki/Webhook-Event-Validation. The corresponding WebHook URI is of the form 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/paypal'. For details about Paypal WebHooks, see https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/integration/direct/rest-webhooks-overview/.
PusherNotifications Describes one or more event notifications received as a Pusher WebHook. For details about Pusher WebHooks, see https://pusher.com/docs/webhooks.
PusherWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by Pusher. The 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_Pusher' application setting contains a semicolon separated list of values of the form 'appKey_appSecret' containing one or more application key/secret pairs defined in Pusher. An example with two key/secret pairs is '47e5a8cd8f6bb492252a_42fef23870926753d345; ba3af8f38f3be37d476a_9eb6d047bb5465a43cb2'. The corresponding WebHook URI is of the form 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/pusher/{id}'. For details about Pusher WebHooks, see https://pusher.com/docs/webhooks.
ReceiverServices Provides singleton instances of WebHook receiver services. If alternative implementations are provided by a Dependency Injection engine then those instances are used instead.
SalesforceNotifications Describes one or more event notifications received as an Outbound Message from Salesforce. For details about Salesforce Outbound Messages, see https://help.salesforce.com/htviewhelpdoc?id=workflow_defining_outbound_messages.htm.
SalesforceSoapWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports Salesforce SOAP-based Outbound Messages as a WebHook. A sample WebHook URI is of the form 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/sfsoap/{id}'. For security reasons, the WebHook URI must be an https URI and the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_SalesforceSoap' application setting must be configured to the Salesforce Organization IDs. The Organizational IDs can be found at http://www.salesforce.com under Setup | Company Profile | Company Information. For details about Salesforce Outbound Messages, see https://help.salesforce.com/htviewhelpdoc?id=workflow_defining_outbound_messages.htm.
SlackAttachment The SlackAttachment is used to describe the contents of an SlackSlashResponse.
SlackField The SlackField class is used for expression table fields as part of a SlackAttachment, please see https://api.slack.com/docs/attachments for details. Fields are displayed in a table inside the message attachment.
SlackResponse An IWebHookHandler can post back a response to a Slack channel by updating the System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage on the WebHookHandlerContext with a response containing a SlackResponse.
SlackSlashResponse An IWebHookHandler can post a response to a Slack Slash request by updating the System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage on the WebHookHandlerContext with a response containing a SlackSlashResponse. Please see https://api.slack.com/docs/attachments#message_formatting for additional details.
SlackWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by Slack. A sample WebHook URI is of the form 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/slack/{id}'. For security reasons, the WebHook URI must be an https URI and the WebHook 'token' parameter must have the same value as configured in the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_Slack' application setting. For details about Slack WebHooks, see https://api.slack.com/outgoing-webhooks.
StripeEvent Contains information sent in a WebHook notification from Stripe, see 'https://stripe.com/docs/api#event_object' for details.
StripeWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by Stripe. Set the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_Stripe' application setting to the application key defined in Stripe. The corresponding WebHook URI is of the form 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/stripe/{id}'. For details about Stripe WebHooks, see https://stripe.com/docs/webhooks.
TrelloWebHookClient The TrelloWebHookClient provides support for creating and deleting Trello WebHooks programmatically. For more information about Trello WebHooks, please see https://trello.com/docs/gettingstarted/webhooks.html.
TrelloWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by Trello. Set the /MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_Trello/ application setting to the secret defined in Trello. The corresponding WebHook URI is of the form 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/trello'. For details about Trello WebHooks, see https://trello.com/docs/gettingstarted/webhooks.html.
VstsWebHookHandlerBase Provides a base IWebHookHandler implementation which can be used to for handling Visual Studio Team Services WebHook using strongly-typed payloads. For details about MyGet WebHooks, see https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/get-started/integrate/service-hooks/webhooks-and-vso-vs.
VstsWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by Visual Studio Team Services. The corresponding WebHook URI is of the form 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/vsts/{id}?code={code}'. For security reasons the WebHook URI must be an https URI and contain a 'code' query parameter with the same value as configured in the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_VSTS' application setting, optionally using IDs to differentiate between multiple WebHooks, for example 'secret0, id1=secret1, id2=secret2'. The 'code' parameter must be between 32 and 128 characters long. For details about Visual Studio Team Services WebHooks, see https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/get-started/integrate/service-hooks/webhooks-and-vso-vs.
WebHook Describes the contents and behavior or a WebHook. A WebHook is similar to a subscription in a pub/sub system in that it allows the subscriber to indicate when and how event notifications should get dispatched and where they should get dispatched to. A WebHook is registered and managed on a per user basis which means that each user has a separate set of WebHooks that can get trigged by actions executed by that user. That is, user A will not see a WebHook fired for an action performed by user B.
WebHookHandler Provides an abstract IWebHookHandler implementation which can be used to base other implementations on.
WebHookHandlerContext Provides context for an incoming WebHook request. The context is passed to registered IWebHookHandler implementations which can process the incoming request accordingly.
WebHookHandlerSorter Provides an implementation of IWebHookHandlerSorter which sorts registered IWebHookHandler instances based on their designated IWebHookHandler.Order.
WebHookManager Provides an implementation of IWebHookManager for managing notifications and mapping them to registered WebHooks.
WebHookQueueContext Provides a queue context used by WebHookQueueHandler to enqueue a WebHook for subsequent processing.
WebHookQueueHandler Provides an abstract IWebHookHandler implementation which can be used to enqueue WebHooks for processing outside their immediate HTTP request/response context. This can for example be used to process WebHooks by a separate agent or at another time. It can also be used for WebHooks where the processing take longer than permitted by the immediate HTTP request/response context.
WebHookReceiverConfig Provides a default IWebHookReceiverConfig implementation which manages IWebHookReceiver configuration using application settings. The name of the application setting is 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_<name>' where 'name' is the name of the receiver, for example github. The value is a comma-separated list of secrets, using an ID to differentiate between them. For example, 'secret0, id1=secret1, id2=secret2'. The corresponding WebHook URI is of the form 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/custom/{id}'.
WebHookReceiverManager Manages registered IWebHookReceiver instances.
WebHookRegistrar Provides an abstract base class implementation of IWebHookRegistrar. An IWebHookRegistrar implementation can be used to change, modify, or reject WebHook registrations as they are created or updated through the Controllers.WebHookRegistrationsController. This can for example be used to add filters to WebHook registrations enabling broadcast notifications or specific group notifications.
WebHookSender Provides a base implementation of IWebHookSender that defines the default format for HTTP requests sent as WebHooks.
WebHookStoreContext Defines a DbContext which contains the set of WebHook Registration instances.
WebHookUser Provides a default implementation of IWebHookUser for getting information about a user.
WebHookWorkItem A work item represents the act of firing a single WebHook with one or more notifications.
WordPressWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by WordPress. A sample WebHook URI is 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/wordpress?code=c2e25cd9-6f63-44f6-bf2a-729bcc9f236a'. For security reasons the WebHook URI must be an https URI and contain a 'code' query parameter with the same value as configured in the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_WordPress' application setting. The 'code' parameter must be between 32 and 64 characters long. For details about WordPress WebHooks, see https://en.support.wordpress.com/webhooks/.
ZendeskDevice Contains the information about registered device for Zendesk (iOS, Android)
ZendeskNotification Contains the information about notifications
ZendeskPost Contains a Zendesk WebHook payload. For more details about Zendesk WebHooks, please see https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/ios/push_notifications_webhook.
ZendeskWebHookReceiver Provides an IWebHookReceiver implementation which supports WebHooks generated by Zendesk. A sample WebHook URI is 'https://<host>/api/webhooks/incoming/zendesk/{id}?code=83699ec7c1d794c0c780e49a5c72972590571fd8'. For security reasons the WebHook URI must be an https URI and contain a 'code' query parameter with the same value as configured in the 'MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_Zendesk' application setting. The 'code' parameter must be between 32 and 128 characters long. For details about Zendesk WebHooks, see https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/ios/push_notifications_webhook. For complete details about Zendesk APIs, see https://developer.zendesk.com/rest_api/docs/core/introduction.