C# (CSharp) Lucene.Net.Spatial.Prefix.Tree Namespace


Name Description
GeohashPrefixTree A SpatialPrefixGrid based on Geohashes. Uses {@link GeohashUtils} to do all the geohash work.
GeohashPrefixTree.Factory Factory for creating GeohashPrefixTree instances with useful defaults
QuadPrefixTree A SpatialPrefixTree which uses a quad tree in which an indexed term will be generated for each cell, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'.
QuadPrefixTree.Factory Factory for creating QuadPrefixTree instances with useful defaults
SpatialPrefixTree A Spatial Prefix Tree, or Trie, which decomposes shapes into prefixed strings at variable lengths corresponding to variable precision. Each string corresponds to a spatial region. Implementations of this class should be thread-safe and immutable once initialized.
SpatialPrefixTreeFactory Abstract Factory for creating SpatialPrefixTree instances with useful defaults and passed on configurations defined in a IDictionary{TKey, TValue}. @lucene.experimental