C# (CSharp) ISConfig Namespace


Name Description
ISConfig 1. Description: This sample demonstrate how to create an image service and set configurations based on data source types (raster dataset, mosaic dataset, raster layer); it also have additional features to start,stop,delete image service programmatically. The user running this utility needs access to data source. The application can be run locally on AGSServer machine or remotely. Source data must be accessible by the account that runs ArcGIS Server. Data is not copied to ArcGIS Server through this tool. CachingScheme/Metadata/thumbnail/iteminfo can't be defined through this tool. CachingScheme can be done through Caching geoprocessing tools. REST Metadata/thumbnail/iteminfo are not available through this app but can be developed using a similar approach to server admin endpoint The sample uses Raster API to populate dataset properties (used to construct service configuration), and can eitehr directly invoke rest Admin API to create service; or using AGSClient to create service. 2. Case sensitivity: (1) switches are case sensitive. (2) when publish a service, the service name is case sensitive 3. Usage: Run from command line environment. Usage. <>: required parameter; |: pick one. isconfig -o publish -h -d -n isconfig -o -h -n isconfig -o -h Example 1: isconfig -o publish -h "http://host:6080/arcgis/admin" -u "adminuser" -p "adminpassword" -d \\myserver\data\test.gdb\mdtest -n mdtest Example 2: isconfig -o stop -h myservername -u "adminuser" -p "adminpassword" -n mdtest Example 3: isconfig -o list -h myservername -u "adminuser" -p "adminpassword"